email marketing ideas Archives - DigitalMarketer Fri, 21 Jul 2023 20:28:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 email marketing ideas Archives - DigitalMarketer 32 32 The 5 Most Common Missing Elements of Email Campaigns Mon, 18 Apr 2022 18:39:02 +0000 Focusing on your email strategy when you "have time" is a poor strategy. Creating a plan with these 5 elements will make your email campaigns much more successful.

The post The 5 Most Common Missing Elements of Email Campaigns appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

The 5 Most Common Missing Elements of Email Campaigns

Want to enhance your open rate and improve conversions on your next email marketing campaign? Add these five elements and find out how much better your email marketing could be.

If you’re here, we hope you’re convinced that email campaigns are still effective and are here to set out on a brand new campaign. Great! Here are the 5 essential elements of email marketing you have to implement. 

Number 1: Email Personalization and Segmentation

When possible, address your subscribers by their first name. Emails with a name in the subject line have a 26% higher open rate than one without personalization.

Getting a subscriber’s name is as easy as adding the field to your email newsletter sign-up or contact form.

The process of splitting up your master list of subscribers is called segmentation. Ultimately, the best email list strategy is to make an email group for each version of your customer avatar. You can also segment based on geographical location, age, or status as a customer. Segmentation ensures that you send emails that are relevant to what your subscribers want. 

The purpose of a segmentation campaign is to let your subscribers self-separate by declaring their interests.

GET CERTIFIED. Discover the proven plan for effortless, automated email marketing. Click Here

How to Segment Subscriber Lists

“How might one go about segmenting subscribers,” you ask?

Here’s an example: your company is having a webinar on how to install a new fridge. You promote it with an email campaign and send 3 marketing emails:

  • Promotional email number 1: How to Tell if Your Refrigerator is Still Running
  • Promotional email number 2: 4 Ways to Save Energy in the Kitchen
  • Promotional email number 3: Let us Teach You to Install a Fridge

Keep an eye on which emails and internal links are being clicked. This information tells you what your subscribers are interested in. You can use that information to sort them into groups. 

In this example, subscribers who engaged with the first email are information seekers. They might be DIYers or they might be shopping for a new fridge. Or they might appreciate a good ol’ fashioned joke.

If the second email got lots of clicks, you might assume a couple things. First, those subscribers might be green consumers. They value energy efficiency, reducing their carbon footprint, and reaping the benefits of cost savings. Or they might be thrifty consumers looking for ways to reduce costs. Either way, you have enough information to help direct your efforts.

Finally, subscribers who click through email number 3 may have just purchased a new icebox. In this case, they’ll be prime candidates to watch your webinar. They might also be ready to pay someone else to install their new cooler.

Other options for your next segmentation campaign are a “still interested?” campaign or a flash sale campaign. Every click [or lack thereof] from your subscribers is a piece of information about them.

  • Clicks tell you what your subscribers like and what works for them.
  • If they don’t click, that tells you what they don’t like and what won’t work.

Not all customers have the same needs. So to send them all the same exact emails will inevitably hurt you. 

Number 2: Email Campaign Metric Tracking

What’s that saying? “You can’t improve what you don’t measure.” I think that’s it.

Trying something new can feel like a shot in the dark. Trust us. We’ve made our fair share of email marketing mistakes. The key is to start tracking metrics as soon as possible. 

By tracking metrics starting with the very first email blast you send, you can…

  • Know how many people opened it
  • Figure out how many people clicked on the links
  • Determine whether or not they bought anything.

These metrics will be invaluable to your next email campaign (or even just your next email!). 

Here are the main ones you definitely want to keep an eye on: 

  • Email deliverability: Is your email marketing campaign making it to their inbox, or is it getting flagged as junk? 
  • Email open rate: Is your email list opening their emails, or are they getting deleted? 
  • Click-through rate: If they open it, did they read the email content and check out your links? 
  • Disengagement rate: Did this email make them unsubscribe? 

Most email marketing software solutions have a built-in campaign monitor to keep track of all the important information. Knowing these statistics can help you adjust your game plan moving forward. 

Number 3: Scheduling Emails

Your email marketing strategy, like your content marketing strategy, should be consistent and well-thought-out. The timing of your email blasts can make a difference in your performance metrics. 

Here’s one way to think about it: Do you want to get business emails during dinner? Anytime you like to be unplugged and/or away from work, your clients probably do too.

We recommend emailing from 8 am- 5 pm. Research shows that Thursdays are the most effective days to send emails, with Tuesdays and Wednesdays falling right behind. The weekends and Mondays tend to yield lower open rates. 

That said, there is not a singular best time to send your emails. Just let your metrics lead the way. 

Number 4: Send A Welcome Email

Do you remember that guy you met at the grocery store? About a month ago? Brown hair, rather tall, funny shirt?… No? Well, that makes sense because 3 weeks after you meet someone, you forget them [unless there is some other connection]. And just like you don’t remember that fictional man, your clients won’t remember you. 

It’s important to buy yourself some inbox real estate while you are fresh on the recipient’s mind. The best thing to do is send a welcome email.

The welcome email does a few things for you and your business.

First, it builds brand awareness. In it, let subscribers know what to expect from you, the newsletter, your business, etc. Set the tone and expectations for them. If they like what you have to offer, they’ll keep opening. If they don’t like it, they’ll unsubscribe and your list will be better for it.

Second, it drives traffic to your social media. Some people (yours truly) would rather casually engage on social media than read through a thousand emails. Give your subscribers options for engaging with you. They’ll be better engaged when it comes time to ask for the sale.

Well-written welcome email copy is worth the effort. Here are 10 key elements to include in your welcome email:

  • Welcome and Thank You
  • Set Expectations
  • Encourage Whitelisting
  • Restate Benefits
  • Introduce the Brand
  • “Best Of”
  • Bounce Them Around
  • Next Steps
  • Open a Loop
  • Start a Conversation

We have a playbook that describes each element of this list, plus gives detailed instructions and examples. The playbook is included in our Lab membership.

This welcome email can double as the first email in your campaign. Knock it outta the park and you’ll set a solid foundation for every campaign after. 

Number 5: Email Marketing Strategy 

If you’ve come this far, you probably already know this one. The main idea is: be purposeful. You’re in the big leagues now! Only focusing on your campaign when you have extra time is not a good strategy. Doing so won’t yield the kind of ROI that email marketing can achieve for your business. 

Here’s a simple outline of one aspect of the DigitalMarketer strategy, our Customer Journey: 

  1. Aware
  2. Subscribe
  3. Engage 
  4. Convert
  5. Excite
  6. Ascend 
  7. Advocate 
  8. Promote

Knowing that our job is to successfully walk our customers through these 8 steps changes the way we approach each and every step of our email campaigns. 

We hope that wasn’t overwhelming! Just by reading this article, you are taking a step towards better email marketing campaigns. If you’re still unsure where to start, we have plenty of resources available by searching “email” in our blog. Or if you want to dive in and become an expert, consider investing in our email marketing course

The post The 5 Most Common Missing Elements of Email Campaigns appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

Why Email Marketing Is Still Crucial In 2022 Thu, 17 Feb 2022 16:02:26 +0000 With the rise of social media and digital technologies, marketers and businesses were expected to evolve from email marketing. However, email marketing is still a reliable tool.

The post Why Email Marketing Is Still Crucial In 2022 appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

Email Marketing in 2022

With the rise of social media and digital technologies, marketers and businesses were expected to evolve from email marketing. 

However, email marketing is still a reliable tool. Various researches show that email will become some of the most widely used and popular communication platforms in the future.

But before you utilize these free email marketing tools, find out how email marketing is used to interact with users and if it will remain a viable strategy in 2022.

The Data Behind Email Marketing

Here are a few stats to prove email marketing’s dominance in marketing strategies globally:

  • In 2021 alone, the number of worldwide email users was about 4 billion, which is expected to increase to 4.6B users worldwide in 2025
  • More than 300B emails are forecasted to be received and sent every day in 2022

But if you want to derive maximum benefits from email marketing campaigns, you have to take an all-inclusive approach towards making the right and fitting email marketing strategies. 

Luckily, there is a range of credible, effective, and free email marketing tools you can use to organize and schedule various email campaigns. 

What’s more, they even provide analytics to ensure success. 

GET CERTIFIED. Discover the proven plan for effortless, automated email marketing. Click Here

5 Reasons Why Email Marketing Is Still Vital In 2022 

And if you needed more convincing, here is why you should stick with email marketing:

1. Email Marketing Allows for Personalization

Email marketing enables marketers to create customized content for customers according to their buying patterns, journeys, behaviors, and other factors. 

Utilize data trackers and analytics to know what interests consumers have. Plus, what sort of products or content do they like most. 

For instance, if your consumers like a particular clothing design from your catalog, you can personalize emails by including related products. 

Essentially, you can use email automation software tools to view where your consumers lie in a sales funnel stage and create content accordingly. 

2. It Produces Better Outcomes Than Most Other Marketing Channels

Believe it or not, email marketing gives the highest ROI (return-on-investment) than several other marketing means. 

So for every one dollar spent, email marketing produces more than $40 in ROI. 

In addition to that, it provides improved conversion rates. Various studies show email generates 66% of conversions. It’s 40-times more efficient and successful than other social media channels.  

To get the best results, regularly monitor the metrics of your email marketing campaign, such as click-through rates, engagements, bounce rates, etc. 

3. Email Marketing Cuts Costs

Compared to conventional marketing approaches, email is both cost-effective and straightforward. 

To begin with, you don’t require a huge budget to advertise, produce, or print the ad. Therefore, it avoids the associated expense of hiring a digital and video production crew. 

In email marketing, all you’ve got to do is hire a professional graphic designer to create appealing visuals along with excellent content, and you’re all set. 

Additionally, as people increasingly rely on mobile phones now, email is an effective way to connect with potential customers. 

4. It Creates Brand Loyalty & Connection

Email marketing campaigns are among the most effective ways to boost brand awareness among customers. 

For example, you could send informational content regarding brands’ mission, products, values and interact in a much healthy debate with your targeted groups. 

When your potential customers better understand what your business stands for, chances are, they can engage and connect with it much better. 

So to form a steady connection with users, create consistent, long-term email marketing strategies to keep consumers anxious for your next email. 

5. Email Marketing Amalgamates with Other Marketing Means Seamlessly

One of the best things about email is that you can integrate it seamlessly with various other social channels such as:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn 

For instance, businesses can put social platform icons in emails and request readers to follow. 

In addition to that, you could display a collage of Instagram posts in your emails to show consumers a sneak peek of your business’s Instagram profile. 

Many marketers place “Pin it” options in emails to enable consumers to directly save images to their accounts. 


Email marketing strategies are a winning way to communicate with potential customers and collect valuable insights.

And these resources will help you create a cohesive buyer journey and build brand awareness among the audience. 

The techniques mentioned above will help you create robust email marketing strategies that compel new customers to engage with the brand.

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101 Best Email Subject Lines Fri, 18 Dec 2020 16:50:00 +0000 Get DigitalMarketer's newest 101 best email subject lines. Use these swipeable headlines as inspiration in your business’ email marketing.

The post 101 Best Email Subject Lines appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

101 Email Topics

Welcome to the 8th annual installment of DigitalMarketer’s 101 Best Email Subject Lines!

Within this post, I’ve got 101 PROVEN, swipeable email subject lines that are yours for the taking. And if you’re one of our email subscribers, there’s at least a 20% chance that you played a role in determining what made the list. If that applies to you, please prepare for a little déjà vu. 🙂

Though you’re currently reading one of the most aptly titled blog posts of all time, you’ll find more here than just subject lines. I’m going to break down the 8 components of every good subject line AND you’ll get an analysis of our top 10 performing subject lines of 2020.
That way, when you’re finished with this post, you can:

1. Start deconstructing and reproducing the elements of YOUR best-performing subject lines…

…or…2.  Completely steal ours, if you haven’t already.

(NOTE: Looking for the subject lines from previous years? We’ve collected all 700+ top-performing email subject lines since 2013—and all the amazing analysis that comes with them—into The Ultimate Email Subject Line Swipe File! Create your FREE DM Insider account here to get instant access!)

GET CERTIFIED. Discover the proven plan for effortless, automated email marketing. Click Here

If you’re new to the post (or email marketing in general), take a minute to familiarize yourself with the fundamentals of email subject lines.

These are 8 different components I found again and again in our top-performing email subject lines…

1. Self-Interest

These are your bread and butter subject lines—you should be using them most frequently.

They are usually direct and speak to a specific benefit your audience will gain by opening the email.

Self-interest subject lines also help pre-qualify openers by giving them a clue about your email’s body content.

2. Curiosity

If self-interest subject lines work because they communicate a direct benefit, curiosity-based ones succeed for the exact opposite reason.

They pique the interest of subscribers without giving away too much information, leading to higher opens.

Be careful though, because curiosity-based subject lines can get old fast and are the most likely to miss their mark.

3. Offer

Do you like free stuff? Do you like to buy things when they’re on sale?

So does your email list.

When you are giving something away or selling something your subscribers would be interested in, directly stating that in your subject line is a great way to convince them to open the email and learn more.

4. Urgency/Scarcity

This is the most powerful type of subject line you have at your disposal.

Subject lines that communicate urgency and scarcity tell readers they must act now.

But too many of these can lead to list exhaustion, so use sparingly and, of course, only when there is truly a deadline, limited quantity, or limited availability.

5. Humanity

Don’t forget to remind your list about the person or people behind your products.

Sometimes you need to thank your subscribers, tell them a story about yourself, or make a human appeal for their attention.

6. News

Keeping your audience informed about new developments in your field builds authority and keeps your open rates high.

These subject lines often work well when combined with a curiosity element.

7. Social Proof

A fundamental characteristic of humans is that we look to the behavior of others when making decisions.

You can leverage this in your email subject lines by mentioning individual’s success stories, familiar names, or highlighting how many people are already using a product or service.

8. Story

Telling a story, or at least teasing the beginning of one in your subject line is a unique way to highlight benefit and get the open rate you’re looking for.

As for our best subject lines of the year… here they are.

The 10 Best Email Subject Lines of 2020

10. How to keep up with digital marketing… 🏃💨
CONTENT: T&C Early Bird Discount
OPEN RATE: 15.80%
ANALYSIS: We’ve seen that the use of “How to” in subject lines establishes authority, and draws readers in. Your subscribers want to learn something they fear they might not know yet, but believe may be helpful to them. In this instance, digital marketing is something that seems like it changes every day. Keeping up with the changes in the industry can be pretty daunting, so content that shows you how to keep up is incredibly valuable and attention-grabbing.

9. Why my first business failed
CONTENT: Tony Robbins Event Follow-Up
OPEN RATE: 15.92%
ANALYSIS: While maintaining flavors of curiosity, I got declarative with this one. Seeing as how the bulk of our email list identifies as a “marketer” in one form or another, and Content is something that virtually all marketers need nowadays… I knew that if I took one of THE keystone levers of the industry and used the well-known Bill Gates idiom, “Content is King,” as a departure statement that would separate us as an authority on the subject, I’d both deliver valuable information to our subscribers and get a few opens.

8. Something BIG is coming
CONTENT: April Accelerator Flash Sale
OPEN RATE: 16.08%
ANALYSIS: We all love a good teaser. In this subject line, the tease is on full display. You want to grab the reader’s attention, AND get them interested in following your message at the same time. Just make sure the body copy in your message pays off too—you don’t want to be the boy or girl who cried wolf or you’ll lose trust from your readers (and future opens).

GET CERTIFIED. Discover the proven plan for effortless, automated email marketing. Click Here

7. Holy crap… 21,601?!?!
CONTENT: Lab Open Access
OPEN RATE: 17.35%
ANALYSIS: There’s a couple of wins in this subject line. Namely, profanity is like salt: using just the right amount can be a great thing, but too much will ruin the experience. And while we’re not necessarily advocating for  “profanity” all the time, we will use a dash of it when we need to get our point across.

You’ll also score points with your reader by using a number in your subject lines, which is proven to increase open rates—bonus points if it’s a very specific number. And finally, like #8, the curiosity factor is strong in this one. 

6. 3 Rules for Marketing During a Crisis
CONTENT: Newsletter for March 21, 2020
OPEN RATE: 19.9%
ANALYSIS: Let’s face it. This year sucked. Millions of businesses were left trying to navigate the global pandemic crisis, and the marketing industry was no exception. It makes sense that guiding principles were popular fodder for subject lines. Our big takeaway on this one is to make sure you “read the room.” Note that this subject line was used in March, when the pandemic was newly on peoples’ minds and more likely to get clicked on. There have been ebbs and flows to when audiences felt like discussing crises this year, and this was the right time to talk about it. It might not have worked so well in the summertime.

5. 🥺 80% off gone in 3…2…1…
CONTENT: Content Marketing Mastery Sale
OPEN RATE: 22.54%
ANALYSIS: Scarcity is one of Cialdini’s principles of persuasion, and in my opinion, it’s the best. There’s no better way to stir someone to action than telling them they’ll miss out on something great if they don’t. (NOTE: This mail is a “closer” mail, the last in a week-long promotion meant to catch folks who missed earlier mails. Closers don’t typically get many clicks, but in this case the use of this simple square emoji 🥺 gave it a boost because it looks like the content didn’t load. In fact, it grabs inbox attention more than the use of an actual emoji—just be sure NOT to lean on this tactic too much. Like crying wolf, it loses efficacy.)

4. BYE?
CONTENT: T&C 2020 Close
OPEN RATE: 25.12%
ANALYSIS: The ultimate goal of a subject line is to get the recipient to open the email, and sometimes less is more. With a simple, 3-letter question this subject line is able to stand out in the inbox among other generic, longer subject lines.

3. Get Certified in Content Marketing for $195?
CONTENT: Content Marketing Mastery Sale
OPEN RATE: 25.27%
ANALYSIS: That question mark is no accident. The Content Marketing Mastery certification course is one of our most popular, and it’s always a big draw for our subscribers when we put it on sale. At 61% off the normal price of $495, a lot of people were interested in this promotion. To warm audiences, a discount of that size begs the question: “Why now?” They know they want it. They’re looking for a reason to get it, it’s why they clicked. Cold audiences click to do the comparison. Hence the question in the subject line mark feeding both needs. 😉

2. CLOSING down in 3…2…1…?
CONTENT: 1-Minute Facebook Video Ad Playbook
OPEN RATE: 28.08%
ANALYSIS: Again, scarcity is a powerful motivator here. The 1-Minute Facebook Video Ad Playbook is one of our most popular playbooks EVER, but when we say we’re closing a sale down, we mean it.

1. ⚠ FINAL Chance for free access!
CONTENT: Lab Open Access
OPEN RATE: 34.53%
ANALYSIS: Combine scarcity, the use of a powerful emoji, and the promise of free access to one of our core products, and you have a recipe for the highest open rate we saw in all of 2020.

Now that you know what made the top 10 the most opened, here are the other 91 top-of-the-line email subject lines that round us out to an even 101.

91 More Email Subject Lines to Swipe

• ISSUE #26: A match made in…?
• A note to our community
• Really…really!!
• 10 things every marketer should know
• 60 seconds to sales?
• How DM nearly TRIPLED its open rates
• [T&C2020 KEYNOTE] Marcus Lemonis!
• Level up your marketing IRL
• Sales are slipping through your fingers
• Are you skipping T&C 2020?
🧠 Smartest investment ever?
• Stop it.
• Lab is now free through the end of March
• It’s like 7 conferences in 1
• The Terminator Is Coming To T&C 2020
• 1.4 billion views?
• [GRAPHIC] Lessons from Quarantine
• Issue #40: pick 3…
• [VIDEO] My full Traffic & Conversion Summit 2019 Keynote
• New workshop turns your email list into an 🏧
• CLOSING down soon?
• [LAST CHANCE] 68% off sale ends today
• 5-day marketing challenge (starts today)
💥 95% of product launches fail, says Harvard (here’s why)
• We found “hidden pots of cash” in your business 💵 💵
• The CRAZIEST marketing statistic I’ve ever heard
• YOU a certified marketing specialist? (FOR FREE??)
• READ: Our 11 Copywriting Book Recommendations
• People really hate THIS
• why your email open rates are slipping…
• Email Newsletter Workshop closing tonight?
• REMINDER: $1000 Off T&C tickets gone at midnight
• [EMAIL MARKETERS] Build a Sequence that Primes & Converts Subscribers
• [Low Ticket Alert] T&C 2020 “Early Bird” Tickets Almost GONE
• 2-3x you email open rates?
• You’ll be paying $700 more on Friday
• Will you also 2x your business at T&C?
• Last chance to try Lab for FREE!
• No marketer should miss this…
• [LIMITED TIME] The $7 plan for Facebook ads that convert
• Are you losing ground to competitors?
• open rates in the toilet? (we’ve been there)
• [VIDEO] Want help selling your “boring” product?
• %FIRSTNAME% – Your 8-Step Email Conversion Templates are waiting…
• [FLASH SALE] The 1-Minute Video Ad Playbook
• Insider #51: our glossiest issue yet
• %FIRSTNAME% – Don’t Miss Out!
• [READ] How we’re going back to “business as usual”…
• ????
• got 39 bucks?
• whoops!
• Get Lab FREE (No Trial, No Credit Card, No Upsell)
• Let’s work on your marketing…together!
• [CLOSING] No time to write sales emails?
• The napkin that cleaned up a $248k mess
😳 73% OFF gone in 3…2…1…
• %FIRSTNAME%’s (less than) 10-hour warning
• The lowest price EVER for ⚡ Copywriting Mastery⚡
• Email Newsletter Workshop closing soon?
• $55 today, $997 tomorrow
• [CLOSING SOON] $7 for my Sales Boosting Bullets Playbook
• Our Greatest Hits of Copywriting
• Stop binge watching our trainings!
• How to slip past your prospect’s “promo-dar” 📡
• ICYMI – your refund
• Free Training: 2x Your Sales In 6 Months?
• READ: 100 Books Every Marketer Should Read
• Feeling 🤩🎉 or 😨😱?
• You’re about to miss out…
• Vacation, all we ever wanted
• I’m closing the doors…
🛑 STOP blogging. Start splintering.
🛑 Stop binge watching our trainings!
• [SWIPE] Our 2020 Holiday Marketing Plan
• The “Post-COVID” reboot?
• %FIRSTNAME% – Last day to SAVE ⏰
• [GRAPH] Ready for your sales to look like this?
• Free access expiring SOON
• This REALLY ticks me off
• SWIPE: 15 tools & templates for video ads that SELL
• Bad news
• RSVP: Free training this time tomorrow?
• HATE writing your own emails?
🔊You gotta see this, %FIRSTNAME%
• no such thing as a “failed” video ad?
• I’m getting rid of my 11 mastery courses TONIGHT
🖱(Ctrl)+C & (Ctrl) + V
• Too many good ideas? STOP. 🛑



If you’re tired of reading “NAME” and seeing “[BRACKETS WITH WORDS IN ALL CAPS],” it’s for a good reason:

GET CERTIFIED. Discover the proven plan for effortless, automated email marketing. Click Here

Last year, those were [REALLY POPULAR FOR US, NAME].

In fact, out of our 101 best email subject lines of 2020, 23 used the [CAPS BRACKET] and 15 used the first name field.

Another cool find?

While our average subject line was 6 words, our TOP 3 of 2020 were all less than 5 words.

REMEMBER: AGAIN: Brevity is the soul of wit and pattern interrupts WORK.

My thoughts?

There will never be a “golden subject line formula.”

And that’s GOOD news, because formulas lead to stagnation. And stagnation leads to your subject lines (and as a result, your email marketing strategy) being white noise.

For all I know, last year’s [CAPS BRACKETS] and sub-5-word email subject lines could be this year’s “all emoji” or “5 en-dashes and an ampersand” subject lines (whatever that is).

That being said, I won’t chalk it up to “who knows,” because there are CERTAINLY guidelines and best practices to follow.

And if you can combine said best practices, a little creativity, the power of split-testing, and the application of the scientific method…

…you’ve got yourself a pretty solid formula for consistently pumping out winning subject lines.

Huh. Maybe some formulas do work.

Food for thought.

Anyway, if the contents of this post can act as a staple for the best practices and creativity portion of my little spiel up ^ there, it’ll’ve done its job.

Now get to work. 🙂

(NOTE: Want to see what subject lines made the list last year? What about the year before? You can get the last 7 YEARS of top-ranking email subject lines—that’s more than 700 subject lines—in The Ultimate Email Subject Line Swipe File. Sign up for a FREE DM Insider account here to get instant access!)

The post 101 Best Email Subject Lines appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

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9 Examples of Broadcast Emails Wed, 22 Apr 2020 01:41:53 +0000 Broadcast emails are a key part of every marketing strategy. So we gathered together 9 examples for you to learn from.

The post 9 Examples of Broadcast Emails appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

email template

Broadcast emails are a key part of every marketing strategy.

They’re the emails that are most often sent to your main list and are either promoting something or keeping your relationship with a subscriber.

For example, a broadcast email is an email that a flight company sends to its subscribers talking about flight deals they’re running right now (a promotional email). Or, it’s a weekly email newsletter that a business sends to its subscribers, like we do with DM Insider (a relational email).

If your email can check off one of the below, then it’s a broadcast email:

  • It was manually sent
  • It was sent to your “Main List” of email subscribers
  • It was sent to subscribers NOT in an automated follow-up campaign
  • It’s time sensitive

And, businesses send a lot of them. These emails are incredibly important to our marketing strategies because they keep our subscribers up-to-date on what’s going on with our business and most importantly, our products.

If you’re having trouble putting together broadcast emails or need more clarification on what they are, here are 9 examples to show you what broadcast emails are all about.

Example #1: Canva

Canva sent this broadcast email to its main list to tell them that they just put 60 million photos into their Canva Pro subscription.

Canva broadcast email example

Example #2: Fossil

Fossil sent this email to their subscribers to let them know about their 60% off sale.

Fossil broadcast email example

Example #3: Turo

Turo sent this broadcast email to tell their subscribers that they created Zoom backgrounds for them.

Turo broadcast email example

Example #4: DigitalMarketer sent this email to our main list to talk about a promotion we ran that discounted all of our Courses, Workshops, and Playbooks by eighty percent.

DM Broadcast email example

Example #5: The city of Glendale, California sent a broadcast email to their subscribers to give them links to necessary resources for small businesses in the area.

Glendale broadcast email example

Example #6: Gap has a campaign for “Mystery Deals” that they’re letting their list know about in this broadcast email.

Gap broadcast email example

Example #7: The LA Public Library sent this email to their subscribers to highlight the reading activities they’ve launched this spring, including virtual librarian storytimes.

LA Public Library broadcast email example

Example #8: Shutterstock curated a list of the best design tools for businesses and sent an email to their list to promote it.

shutterstock broadcast email example

Example #9: After holding an online event, Medium used Eventbrite to send a broadcast email to all of the attendees with a recording of the event.

eventbrite broadcast email

In marketing, broadcast emails play an important part in reaching your goals. Use broadcast emails to promote new offers and to keep a relationship with your subscribers by giving them valuable information they’re interested in.

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