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3 Steps to Sell More from Your Small Business Website

Digital marketing is becoming more and more competitive.

According to Census Bureau’s data, almost 5.5 million new business applications were filed in 2021, which is a 53% increase from 2019.

Hit by global lockdowns and deprived of most traditional means of attracting customers, most of those businesses turned to the Internet in an effort to build traffic and sales.

This resulted in a higher than ever digital marketing competition.

How can a small business compete with that?

How can you generate sales from your small business website in this competitive environment? 

Here are some solid ways to do that.

1. Formulate a Plan

Successful planners often make successful entrepreneurs, laying out detailed (yet actionable) goals every step of the way. The fact of the matter is that if you have numbers you want to hit, you’ll be much more likely to have them in mind and aim to reach them constantly. 

Write them down and keep them somewhere so you can continually reference them throughout the year.

Create a Sales Plan

A sales plan is designed to outline your goals, tactics, audience, and potential hurdles. After laying out a sales plan, you’ll come away with concrete, measurable goals, including revenue targets and deadlines for hitting each metric. 

You’ll also spend time identifying your target audience, which will be crucial for success in marketing. Creating a sales plan is a necessary first step in meeting your overall business goals.

Create a Prospecting Plan

Think of your prospecting strategy as a guidebook for your sales team (even if your sales team is just you). It should cover all of your preferred sales methodologies, as well as information on who to target. 

Ask yourself which form of selling most closely aligns with your business and its goals, from cold-calling to trade shows, to a 100-percent-digital strategy.

2. Market Your Business

Building a good marketing strategy really comes down to two crucial factors: 

  • Understanding your audience 
  • Getting your product or service in front of your target audience. 

Anything you can do to gather information on your target demographic and then to effectively, affordably market to them will get you ahead in marketing.

Leverage 360-Degree Digital Marketing

Depending on the type of business you operate, you can probably get away with a fully digital marketing strategy. Focus on the most affordable methods first, such as building out your social media  and local business profiles. 

Social media is the best option for connecting with current, and future, customers. Consider pay-per-click and performance-based marketing options, such as affiliate marketing. This will help you get your product or service in front of a bigger audience for a much lower up-front spend.

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Make Sure You Have a Loyalty Building Plan in Place

It is hard (and in many niches impossible) for small businesses to develop solid and consistent traffic generation methods.

So focus on retaining those customers that did find you and turning them into brand advocates.

There are many ways to achieve that, so create your strategy based on your business and product specifics:

  • Set up a dedicated spot for your customers to become part of your community
  • Use a solid CRM solution to organize customer relationship management process and identify steps where it may be failing
  • Reply to comments and reviews when your customers are discussing your product or asking questions
  • Encourage user-generated content by offering perks in exchange for sharing an unboxing video, a photo review of your product or a tutorial on making the most of it.
  • Offer exclusive deals and packages. vcita offers a “Packages” feature that allows small businesses to bundle several services together and sell them as a package deal online at a discounted price. You can use vcita to create unique packages for your return users:

Research Niche Gaps and Competitors’ Fails

What are your competitors missing? Which features or products are they seeking and failing to find? You can actually turn the poorest experience into a business opportunity, if you learn to identify that opportunity.

Researching niche gaps is a great way to find a sweet spot for your business to stand out. SE Ranking competitive research tool allows you to identify your competitors’ strongest and weakest side. 

You can also use its keyword research tool to find searchable keywords that don’t have much competition (this is a great way to find what’s on demand but without a solid offering).

Social media listening is another great way to find customers who are dissatisfied with your competitors and identify what your competitors are doing wrong (and how you could fit in):

Make Sure People Can Find Your Business

Start by implementing the basics, including a well-optimized website and a detailed listing on Google’s My Business Profile platform (if you are operating a local business).

Optimizing your website through proven search engine optimization (SEO) tactics—such as including relevant keywords and building out detailed, useful pages—is an easy way to ensure that people can find your business. 

Plus, besides the time you spend writing the copy, it’s free! This is also extremely important for small businesses. Text Optimizer is a great tool to help you create a highly-relevant copy:

Encourage Cross-Business Collaboration

As a small business owner, you may not have a ton of employees but it is still important to keep them excited and motivated. Encourage your employees to submit content ideas, feature your team members on your social media profiles, let them contribute to your social media channels, etc.

Keep your team together even if you don’t have an office. Your employees need to be part of the family, and an effective communication strategy is vital for any business. Nextiva offers affordable small business communication solutions which will keep your team together:

3. Analyze & Adapt

Too often, businesses funnel big money into marketing and development without investing in detailed tracking and analytics. But you need both to thrive. 

Why does data matter so much for boosting sales? Because it allows you to measure—usually, in concrete numbers—exactly what’s working and what’s not working, and then it forces you to adapt accordingly. 

Be sure to track your results over time, so you know what strategies are working or if you need to pivot your plan. It is important to keep in mind seasonality, or any other factors, that naturally fluctuate your business, so you can accurately predict results.

Invest in Analytics Tools

Luckily, many digital marketing platforms include built-in analytics, but what about when you’re trying to track something that’s not single-platform based? Often, you can add tools and plug-ins to your website or store to keep track of where sales are coming from and other metrics. 

Using a comprehensive Rank Tracker that can connect many data points (rankings, traffic, conversions, etc.) is also essential:

Track All Demographics

As long as you have permission from your user or consumer, you can gather as much demographic information as possible. Pay close attention to patterns that emerge with regard to age, gender, geographic information, income, and education level. 

This will help you figure out exactly where to funnel your promotional dollars, including which social media platforms to advertise on and which affiliate websites or blogs to partner with.

Put Your Data to Use

What good is a fleshed-out set of data if you don’t put it to use? Make sure you’re using every single finding to keep your business agile, adjusting as needed to different consumer preferences and market trends. 

Be patient with your analytics, keeping a close eye but not being obsessive. In time, you’ll have a solid bank of information that will tell an obvious story about where you should take your business next.

Ask for Feedback and Focus on the Customer

A good sales strategy is one that serves both the seller and the consumer. As you’re going through your first year or two in business, make sure to always keep your ears open to feedback, focusing on specific ways you can improve the customer experience. 

Remember that happy customers tell their friends when they’re both satisfied and dissatisfied with a business, so keeping them smiling can help you grow your sales exponentially without you having to do anything at all!

User experience is a vital part of business success both on the web and in real life. If a customer had a positive experience and can leave a review, that will be invaluable when others are looking for similar products.

Positively interacting with customers and ensuring their satisfaction, will not only encourage them to return but also recommend your products to others.

Even though the Internet is getting super competitive, there are still a lot of opportunities to start a successful home-based business and set up a small business that will stand out. All you need is a plan, a solid technology partner and a good team!

The post 3 Steps to Sell More from Your Small Business Website appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

How Ecommerce Transformed Marketing Mon, 19 Dec 2022 20:58:01 +0000 Ecommerce and the rise of technology in everyday life have changed marketing forever, that doesn’t mean that marketing’s role has diminished.

The post How Ecommerce Transformed Marketing  appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


It’s getting harder to remember a time when the internet didn’t dominate the business landscape. In retail, entertainment, and many other industries, ecommerce and digital services have long surpassed their high-street counterparts. 

So, how exactly has ecommerce changed the way we do business? And, in turn, how has that changed the way we market? First, let’s look at how ecommerce affected the balance of the economy. Then we can start to understand why marketing has had to adapt to new digital techniques.

What is eCommerce and How Has it Impacted the Economy?

Since the early 2000s, the ecommerce market size has been growing rapidly. It only keeps accelerating, too. According to Insider Intelligence, US ecommerce sales are predicted to pass $1 trillion in 2022. Worldwide, they expect to see $5 trillion in ecommerce sales. 

Image sourced from McKinsey

As more businesses had success selling their goods and services online, others naturally followed. We have also seen a change in consumer attitudes as the convenience of online purchases proved popular. 

The fact that the global market size of ecommerce continues to grow reflects these changes. At the same time, advancements in logistics, distribution, and business technology continue to develop to support new ecommerce demands.

Moving Retail Online

When we think of ecommerce, the first thing that comes to mind is online retail. Consumer giants like Amazon have made online shopping fast, safe, and convenient. But small businesses have also found greater success by moving to ecommerce models.

That’s in part due to the greater reach of online channels. Social media and other sources have offered an inexpensive way for SMEs to reach a much wider audience. 

The Rise of On-Demand Entertainment

Growth in mobile device use has grown alongside ecommerce and digital services. Instant access to entertainment on the go is something that modern consumers have come to expect. 

This has led to the success of online subscription services in TV, gaming, and other entertainment. It also developed social marketing through sponsored, promoted, or monetized content on social video apps like TikTok or YouTube.

Small Business Opportunities

E-commerce gives small businesses a chance to compete with the marketing reach of much larger businesses. Through smart social media campaigns, SEO optimization, and other digital marketing techniques, small businesses can cut through the noise in competitive markets. 

Ecommerce Types

There are four distinct types of ecommerce businesses. Each has its own style of marketing. 

Image sourced from Digital Skill Blog


Businesses that sell directly to other businesses. These include SaaS companies like these providers of small business VoIP in Canada.  


Businesses sell directly to the customer. This could include online retailers or subscription services like Netflix. 


Customers selling to other customers. This includes the second-hand goods market and resellers operating through auction sites like eBay. 


Customers selling to businesses. This one sounds counter-intuitive, but what we’re talking about here is contract service provision. This can include freelancers, product testers, and so on.  

What is the Impact of Ecommerce on Marketing?

Marketing is nothing if not adaptive. As ecommerce has emerged and evolved, marketing has gone through many changes. Starting from simple banner ads and email campaigns, digital marketing has come to mean so much more.

The Decline of Traditional Marketing

As digital e-commerce marketing has grown, traditional marketing methods have fallen out of favor. They haven’t gone away entirely, though, and some businesses still make good use of TV, direct mail, SMS & sales calls, and even the good old billboard. 

New Marketing Channels

The decline in traditional methods was driven mainly by the growth of new online channels. These offer much higher reach at a relatively low cost. Social media sites, in particular, have allowed marketers to interact with their audience in new, more direct ways.

Customer Data & Efficient Targetting 

The most significant advancement in marketing from the rise of online culture is the use of customer data. This part of digital marketing is still advancing as new technologies like data analytics drive marketing insights.

Of course, customer feedback existed before the digital age. Yet, traditional marketing surveys had limited reach, and they could only tell you the customer’s direct opinion. Digital data is not only more accessible, but it also demonstrates customer behaviors. 

In analyzing these behaviors, marketers have found the greatest advantages in demographic targeting and customer engagement.

Free to use image sourced from Unsplash

10 Advantages of Ecommerce in Marketing

Why did ecommerce manage to overtake traditional retail and other markets? Well, there are some distinct advantages that ecommerce provides. 

  1. Availability of data
  2. Omnichannel marketing
  3. Less physical restrictions
  4. 24/7 sales & support availability
  5. Global reach 
  6. Digitization of products & media
  7. Social & influencer marketing 
  8. AI and advanced BI (Business Intelligence) technology
  9. Marketing on the go
  10. Marketing automation 

Whether it’s customer data at your fingertips, a global audience, or the ability to advertise straight to a customer’s mobile, ecommerce extends the reach of a business. That extends the reach of your marketing efforts, too. As your reach expands, your ability to target specific users or user groups increases as well.

Ecommerce Areas & Their Digital Marketing Techniques

Digital marketing and ecommerce are related, but they’re not the same. It’s more accurate to say that digital marketing evolved alongside ecommerce. Any business can use digital marketing, even if they only have a minimal online presence.

Website-Based Ecommerce Marketing

Services like Shopify UAE have made it simple for even small businesses to establish an ecommerce presence. These and larger online retailers tend towards SEO optimization as their main driver of traffic. 

SEO optimization is the process of making your site more visible in search engine rankings. It’s a cost-effective way to get your services in front of customers who are making either general or specific searches in your business area. 

On-site marketing is still a popular digital marketing tactic. It works on two levels as well. You can source inbound traffic to your website’s landing page through ads and backlinks on other websites and provide the same service to others to generate additional revenue. 

E-commerce businesses that are focused primarily on their website will also make on-site optimization a priority. Slow-loading websites are a major reason for high bounce rates in ecommerce. Your bounce rate increases by 32% as your page load time increases from 1 second to 3 seconds. That means it’s vital your marketing is backed up by good site performance.

Mobile Ecommerce & Mobile Marketing

Mobile apps and mobile browsing are other areas where digital marketing has had to adapt. Standalone mobile apps have led to the growth of personalized marketing via push notifications and in-app advertising. 

Personalization is based on analyzing a user’s habits and tailoring ads and offers to their preferences. This is a powerful tool for increasing ecommerce sales. Studies have found that up to 76% of customers are more likely to purchase from brands that personalize. 

Image sourced from McKinsey

More customers, especially in younger demographics, now choose to browse on mobile devices. That means that web-based e-commerce management has had to react to the shift as well. Mobile optimization is now as important to ecommerce software and sites as their desktop performance. 

Digital marketing for these sites can also take advantage of the benefits that come with personalization. On-site ads and offers, email campaigns, and more can be personalized by leveraging your customer data.  

Social Media Marketing 

Social media marketing is now used across all consumer-facing industries. Many B2B businesses maintain client links in part through social media networks like LinkedIn, too. There’s more to social media marketing than setting up a brand account and posting ads, though. 

Social listening (or social monitoring) is a popular way for marketers to gauge how their business is perceived. This indirect form of collecting customer feedback can lead to insights into your brand awareness and drivers of satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) in customers.

Influencer marketing, where brands work with online personalities, is also part of social media marketing. In most cases, brands target influencers with a highly relevant audience demographic or those with a wide reach (i.e., large follower counts). 

Social media has proven popular as a channel for customer communication, too. Many customers now prefer to reach out to brands with queries over channels like Twitter and Facebook. 

Customers expect quick responses, usually within 24 hours, when they reach out on social media. This means social media managers have become an important asset both for customer service and digital marketing purposes.

Free to use image sourced from Pixabay

Email Campaigns & Digital Marketing for Physical Businesses

Some businesses will never be able to do without a physical location. Even if this is you, you can still benefit from the advancements in digital marketing that have come with ecommerce. 

As we mentioned above, more traditional digital avenues like email marketing can benefit from personalization. Digital services have also integrated older methods of communication that remain popular, like VoIP with SMS functions. 

Final Thoughts: Ecommerce Has Changed Marketing For Good

Ecommerce and the rise of technology in everyday life have changed marketing forever. That doesn’t mean that marketing’s role has diminished, though. If anything, marketing, and especially digital marketing, are more relevant than ever.  

The post How Ecommerce Transformed Marketing  appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

How to Use Content & SEO to Support Your Seasonal Marketing Fri, 28 Oct 2022 00:33:39 +0000 Holiday season is overwhelming for small businesses trying to make the most of consumers’ hectic buying decisions.

The post How to Use Content & SEO to Support Your Seasonal Marketing appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


The big season is almost upon us. Is your small business ready?

It is harder and harder to compete with corporate websites with huge advertising budgets.

When just lots of consumers think the term “holiday sales” is synonymous with Amazon and Walmart, it is too challenging to get your products in front of buyers’ eyes.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday routinely transform the fate of otherwise struggling businesses from precarious to solidly profitable. Holidays are a time when people are looking to spend more than usual. 

Millions will shore up their savings year to have the money for the purchases they want. Large brands spend months strategizing the holiday season promotions they’ll roll out to maximize their sales.

Unfortunately, small (ecommerce) stores are frequently caught flat-footed. They don’t invest resources or time into getting their business well-positioned for the looming flood of customers. If large businesses cannot afford to ignore the season, neither can small ones.

Here are three steps content and SEO can help your holiday promotion and marketing efforts:

1. Identify New Seasonal Landing Pages to Put Together and Promote

Holiday season when everyone is busy buying gifts for everyone, including friends, family and obviously themselves, is the season of new unexpected searching trends to emerge. 

People start thinking about buying things differently: They buy not for a need of something, but to stand out and make the best gift.

SE Ranking keyword suggestion tool allows you to research those new buying decisions by allowing you to filter out words you cannot compete with and focus on your niche. You can also filter results by difficulty to find search queries with lower organic competition:

Once you have identified those search queries with big potential, create new landing pages of related products and link to those landing pages from across your site. 

This trick can work for both service- and product-based businesses, because holiday sales are done by all types of businesses these days. For service-based businesses, researching holiday searching trends and bundling services with related products will help boost sales and create word-of-mouth marketing opportunities.

Setting up these seasonal landing pages is also a great idea because this gives you more pages to promote on social media. These could be “collections” of products that would serve a specific holiday searching pattern and all of these could be linked off from the main “Christmas gift ideas” section. You can set these up with plugins for WordPress or “Collections” feature for Shopify.

Depending on the nature of your business, it may be a good idea to set up a separate mini site to make sure your main site remains focused. This idea makes sense when your holiday promotions and lists do not align well with your current brand and product positioning.

Setting up a separate project is quite affordable these days, even for small businesses. All you need is a new domain. You can host it on your current server, and use free CMS (e.g. WordPress) and free themes.

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2. Create Seasonal Content to Target Semi-Transactional & Informational Queries

Many of those search queries you’ll come across will be purely informational. Think about all kinds of DIY ornaments, costumes, packaging, etc. that is being researched prior to the holiday season. 

Informational search intent means a searcher is looking for answers to questions, tutorials and how-to videos without willing to buy anything.

Semi-transactional intent search intent refers to a searching journey that can actually result in a purchase, even though it was initially planned as a research rather than a buying process.

Both of these types of keywords are useful for boosting your holiday sales for a few reasons:

  • People may buy even if they didn’t initially intend to buy (hello, holiday impulse shopping!)
  • That traffic will enrich your data and grow your audience, so that you can re-engage those people with things like retargeting ads (i.e. ads targeting the past users of your site).
  • This content brings brand awareness, especially if it attracts bloggers and journalists who can link to your site.

It all comes down to:

  • How well your content engages your audience
  • How well your content is optimized for conversions using contextual calls to action.

To give you just a quick of how content may turn readers into buyers, here’s two examples of contextual CTAs in action:

And here’s another example, only in SaaS industry:

Note how contextual CTAs in this example perfectly align with content on the page. That is exactly why you need to develop lead magnets for just about any content you put on your blog.

3. Identify Your Best Timing

Your own web analytics will give you lots of clues as to when your past-year’s holiday traffic started peaking. 

Google Trends is another great tool to identify the best timing for your seasonal content and its promo to start. For example, based on that tool, it looks like the interest in “ornaments” starts growing consistently mid-October, year after year:

Another tool that is helpful for picking your timing is Visualping that offers a cool SEO monitoring feature allowing you to monitor your competitors’ landing pages to be the first to know when they put up their holiday promos. 

With this trick, you’ll never be behind your competitors in starting your pre-holiday marketing.


Holiday season is overwhelming for small businesses trying to make the most of consumers’ hectic buying decisions. Discoverability becomes the most important marketing factor when urgent and impulse shopping drives consumers to buy the moment they see what they need (even if they didn’t know they needed it).

Holiday marketing starts with thinking about the products you want to be included in your promotion. Next, use your email list to reach out to existing customers with heads-up of what goodies are in store for them. By the time the big season arrives, you need to have all the assets and data ready to start marketing and remarketing your products to your current and future customers.

The impact of the holiday promotion could give your sales a momentum that lasts for months.

The post How to Use Content & SEO to Support Your Seasonal Marketing appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

What You Need to be Doing NOW to Get Your Shop Ready for Black Friday Thu, 29 Sep 2022 16:28:42 +0000 Setting your shop up for success is an excellent way to attract all shopaholics into your business and make serious money.

The post What You Need to be Doing NOW to Get Your Shop Ready for Black Friday appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


Did you know that 130 million users use Facebook and Instagram to discover sales and buy products during Black Friday weekend alone? 

This means that setting your shop up for success is an excellent way to attract all shopaholics into your business and make serious money. But, with so little time, how can you know what you’re supposed to do? 

Well, after talking with Meta experts, I’ve put together an easy-to-follow checklist with everything you need to do AHEAD of Black Friday if you want your Instagram or Facebook Shop to be a huge success this holiday. 

So read on, and start planning now!

11 Things you need to do to get your shop Black Friday ready

The key to a successful Black Friday is reaching the right audience with the right products. In years past, this meant a well-placed ad in the local newspaper or a spot on the radio. But today, the best way to reach potential shoppers is through social media. And of all the social media platforms out there, Instagram and Facebook offer the best buying experience. 

Facebook and Instagram Shops provide an easy way for businesses to showcase their products and reach a wide audience, and offer a convenient way to browse and purchase items with just a few clicks. Plus, since most users are already using these social media platforms *we’re talking about more than 3 billion*, it has become a natural way to shop. 

So if you’re a business owner looking to take advantage of Black Friday, setting up an Instagram or Facebook shop is a must, and here are the best tips to do so: 

1. Start planning your holiday strategies if you haven’t already

For many businesses, Black Friday is make-or-break time, when they can either turn a profit or end up in the red. That’s why it’s so important to have a solid plan in place for dealing with traffic. 

By mapping out a strategy beforehand, businesses can avoid being overwhelmed by the high demand and ensure that everyone has a positive experience. This means, planning your offer and deals ahead of time, placing your ads budget, doing product inventory, organizing customer service, etc. 

Regarding offers, Instagram and Facebook Shops allow businesses to set up coupons and discount codes during checkout, and timely offers to display their deals. Offer parity with your site is key. So be sure to review #7!

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2. Update your Meta Shop banners 

In order for retailers to lure customers into their shops, they need to make sure their signage is up-to-date and eye-catching. This is especially true for banners, which are the first thing people see when hunting for good deals and promotions. 

A well-designed banner can help to create a sense of urgency and excitement, convincing shoppers that they need to act now in order to get the best deals. These act as hero images from a traditional site, but for your Instagram Shop.

Additionally, they can be used to highlight specific sales or promotions, making it easy for shoppers to find the products they’re looking for. After all, what good is a sale if no one knows about it?

So if you’re looking to make the most of this busy shopping day, don’t forget to update your social shop banners with eye-catching designs. It could make all the difference in attracting customers to purchase in your store.

3. Make your organic media is shoppable

Facebook and Instagram Shops allow you to tag a product every time you post a picture, reel, story, or video. This is especially relevant because it drives users from an organic publication to your shop where they can check all the information about the item they’re interested in. 

Plus, tagging can give you clean insights to how they’re interacting with products and creatives. 

Hat tip: Did you know that you can tag your products in the description of your feed posts? No more using ‘link in bio’ in your copy for your organic posts. Use the @ symbol and choose ‘products’, once you have found your product select it and BAM, your product is now linkable in your Instagram post’s description!

4. Set your products up for success

Each product description should contain anything and everything a user needs in order to buy. This includes: 

  • Engaging and informative product descriptions

Standing out from the crowd of sellers can be especially hard during the holidays. However, a great way to do that is to make sure your product descriptions are clear, concise, and compelling. 

No matter if you’re selling clothes, accessories, or home decor, a good product description will tell potential customers everything they need to know about a product, including its features, benefits, etc. Plus,  it should also be engaging, so that shoppers are tempted to click “add to cart”, so don’t forget about the call to action and use strong and convincing language to urge the buyers to take your deal. 

Be sure to exclude urls in your product description because it’s not allowed. Keep your product descriptions centered on benefits and remember, users often have 1-3 seconds to evaluate the efficacy and interest in a product from a product description.

  • High-quality images

Images that are well-lit and clearly show the product details can be the difference between a customer clicking “add to cart” or moving on to the next item on their list.

For Instagram and Facebook Shops, images need to be at least 500×500 pixels. Additionally, it’s important that you include more than just one image and focus on features. 

Extra tip: according to Meta experts, if your product is in the lifestyle category, detailed product images can help you increase your possibilities of making a sale by 6-8%. 

Extra extra tip: Include an image of a customer’s selfie with the product. Showcasing real customers using or holding your product makes a big difference with your conversions.

  • Include price, availability, and sizes

No one will buy anything from your shop if you don’t have this information! So check your products and make sure that all of them include the deal price, pieces in stock, and sizes (this one applies only for items that are in categories like: Clothing Accessories, Newborn & Baby Fashion Accessories, and Costume Accessories)

Regarding sizes, you can (and should) add a size chart to help users feel confident in the purchase decisions and potentially reduce return rates. 

Bear in mind: July 2022, Meta changed the basic information each item showcased in their shops needs to have in order to be displayed, so click here to discover everything your products need to have!

5. Update your catalog

An outdated catalog will make it difficult for them to find what they’re looking for, and they may decide to do their shopping elsewhere. 

So, it’s important that you check and update your catalog to display all the products that are on sale to help your customers make important purchase decisions and drive sales. 

Taking this into account, your catalog should: 

  • Have all the products displayed with their variants
  • Include product details: complete all data fields (materials, ingredients, multiple images, videos, and size charts where applicable)
  • Be maintained: update collections with new items and inventory quantity. Regarding this, you can use Meta Pixel to automatically update your catalog and reduce operational load. 

6. Enable checkout on Facebook and Instagram Shops

Redirecting users to your own website or another platform in order to complete a sale is inconvenient and can lead to lost sales. So, it’s HIGHLY recommended that you set up your shop with checkout, if you’re allowed,to help potential customers discover and buy your products on one platform. 

**For eligible stores in the US, all fees are waived through the end of 2022 for enabled checkouts.

Onsite checkout can be set up in Commerce Manager and it’s available for US shops only; it will give insights into shopper demographic and full-funnel conversion data which, in return, can help you optimize your campaigns. 

7. Offer Parity

An Instagram or Facebook Shop is an extension of your store, but in a more consumable form that doesn’t require users to go from a place to another in order to buy something. This means that both should offer the same data: from prices and deals, to contact information and banners. 

Why? Because some people may find your social shop and make their purchase there, meanwhile others would prefer to go to your website to get more information about you, so offer parity is a must if you want to build trust with potential customers. After all, no one wants to find mismatched prices!

8. Enable product reviews 

By reading reviews, users can get an idea of what other shoppers thought of a particular item before they make a purchase and it can help them make informed decisions. That’s why they’re a key player when it comes to driving sales during Black Friday. 

Regarding this, US shops with onsite checkouts have access to ratings and reviews and can manage them in Commerce Manager, which will allow you to check customer feedback and answer them. 

Remember this: you need to have a shop with onsite checkout to enable product reviews and ratings. 

Moreover, it’s possible to import reviews from 3rd parties! For now, Yotpo and Bazarro are active, meanwhile, Okendo and will be available with the reviews section in the next quarter. 

9. Don’t forget about user-generated content

User-generated content has the added benefit of being more authentic and relatable than traditional marketing materials. It’s this human element that can be critical in helping persuade undecided shoppers to make a purchase. In fact, UGC drives a 9% increase in CTA clicks for buy now or view on the website

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During Black Friday, this type of content can be a valuable tool for helping brands connect with consumers and build trust, so it’s important to include it in your strategy. 

For this, you can use images and videos of different customers using, wearing, and loving your products or provide buyers with information like “how to use” or tips that can help them make the most out of an item. 

If you go to the UGC section of your commerce account, you can find UGC that’s ready for potential use in your stories and in your Meta Shops. You can find any images that tagged your handle or used one of your branded hashtags. When you find images that you’d like to use, you can send a request to that user’s profile for permission of usage of that media in your store.

It’s really that easy!

10. Leverage Shopping Ads and Catalog Ads

Instagram shopping ads allow businesses to showcase their products directly in the Instagram feed. 

By tagging product photos with relevant information, businesses can create ads that include pricing, product descriptions, and a link to purchase the product. These ads are designed to be highly visual and engaging, and they provide a convenient way for users to learn about and purchase products without ever leaving Instagram. 

On the other hand, Advantage+ Catalog Ads are a must-try for those businesses that have a large catalog of products and don’t want to be bothered by having to create a different ad per product. Instead, this type of ad helps you to create one campaign for all your products and show it to people that are interested in even one item from your catalog by creating an individual ad. 

By integrating Catalog and Shop Ads into your paid media plan for Black Friday, you can attract possible customers and take them through your sales funnel all in one platform. 

If you’re not familiar with these types of ads, you should start experimenting and scaling them as you see fit from now on! Also, don’t forget to set up your CPA!

*** Black Friday ad ramp up should begin by September 20th. October 15th is the BIG day when everyone enters the Meta Ads marketplace and auction pressure increase***

11. Prepare your customer support service

Answering questions from possible customers in less than 24 hours increases their possibility to make a purchase by 50%, that’s why it’s important to invest in effective customer service to help users get a clear understanding of your business and build trust. 

With Facebook and Instagram Shops, you can get an email every time someone asks specific questions and reply by using the feedback tag on Commerce Manager. These replies become publicly available helping future customers see that social proof to make better buying decisions.

However, this feature is only available if you have enabled checkout and are an admin to the commerce account.

When should you start?

The peak of users eager to get Black Friday deals starts from October 15th to the big date *yes, more than a month before Black Friday*, so it’s crucial that you start optimizing your Instagram and Facebook Shops ASAP. 

And, if you feel like this long list may overwhelm you and already give you a headache, at Mongoose Media we have a team of experts that will take this task from you and make the most out of your shop to go from plan to bestselling during the holidays!

The post What You Need to be Doing NOW to Get Your Shop Ready for Black Friday appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

5 Changes to Instagram Shops that CANNOT Be  Ignored Thu, 22 Sep 2022 12:56:00 +0000 Time to update your old-school item information, folks! Meta changes are coming to Facebook  and Instagram Shops, and that means your listings need to meet some new requirements.

The post 5 Changes to Instagram Shops that CANNOT Be  Ignored appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


Time to update your old-school item information, folks! Meta changes are coming to Facebook  and Instagram Shops, and that means your listings need to meet some new requirements.  

Starting July 18, 2022, Meta will change the basic item information they need to display an item.  This is so buyers can make more informed decisions before they check out. 

So what does this mean for you? If you’re selling products on either of these platforms, you’ll  need to make sure that each one follows all the new requirements. Otherwise, your products  simply won’t appear in our shops. 

But don’t stress! We know that this might be a bit of a hassle, that’s why we put together a  checklist with everything you need to change so your products will keep appearing on Meta:  

1. Item descriptions can’t be the same as the title 

Meta wants you to talk about every little detail about your products. That’s why you can’t  use the name of the product as the item description!  

Product descriptions are essential for convincing buyers. They should be clear, concise,  and persuasive. After all, you want people to buy your product, right? But what exactly  should you include in a product description to make it convincing? Here are some tips to  write the best description that Meta and your future buyers will love:  

– Highlight the features of your product that would be most appealing to the  customer. What makes your product unique? Why should they buy it? Be clear  and concise in your explanation. 

– Use strong language to describe your product. This doesn’t mean using flowery  or exaggerative language; just make sure that your descriptions are convincing.  Use active verbs and concrete nouns to paint a picture in the customer’s mind. 

– Finally, don’t forget to include a call-to-action in your product description. Tell the  customer what you want them to do, and make it easy for them to do it.  

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2. Images need to be at least 500 x 500 pixels 

In today’s world, a picture is worth a thousand words. And when it comes to selling  products online, those words had better be convincing. After all, potential buyers can’t  pick up and examine the product in person, so they rely on the images to give them an  idea of what they’re buying. And if those images are anything less than perfect, it could  mean the difference between making a sale and losing out to the competition. 

So, resize and reupload your images! 

3. Descriptions can’t contain any links 

Remove all the links inside your item descriptions. With this requirement, Meta is trying  to minimize driving traffic to other websites. That way, the buyer can complete the  transaction within the shop.  

4. Items in certain product categories must have a size 

When you’re shopping online, one of the most important things to look at is the size of  the item you’re interested in purchasing. After all, you don’t want to end up with  something that’s too small or too large.  

That’s why items included in the next categories have to provide information about the  sizes:  

● Clothing Accessories 

● Newborn & Baby Fashion Accessories 

● Costume Accessories 

So check out the categories of your items, and be sure to add the sizes if needed!  5. Items have been out of stock for too long 

Let’s face it: there’s nothing more frustrating than finding the perfect dress (or pair of  jeans, or handbag…) online, only to discover that it’s out of stock in your size. You try  refreshing the page, just in case there was some mistake, but alas, no luck. So you  leave the site empty-handed and vow never to return. 

Think about it from the customer’s perspective: when you’re browsing online, you want to  find what you’re looking for quickly and easily. If an item is out of stock, it’s just wasted  space on the page–and wasted time for the shopper.  

That’s why Meta will hide the items that have been out of stock for almost 12 months.  So, if the item is in stock, update the quantity available! 

So, what are you waiting for? Get your products ready to sell on Facebook and Instagram by  July 18th! 

If you’re still unsure of how to change all the necessary information, our team is more than  happy to help. Just give us a call or shoot us an email – we would be more than glad to assist.  In the meantime, keep calm and shop on!

The post 5 Changes to Instagram Shops that CANNOT Be  Ignored appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

9 Effortless Ways to Write Creative Product Descriptions That Sell Tue, 20 Sep 2022 13:35:00 +0000 Knowing how crucial creative product descriptions are is one thing, but how does an online business ensure their product descriptions are the best they can be?

The post 9 Effortless Ways to Write Creative Product Descriptions That Sell appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


The first contact any potential customer has with a product is the description. It’s hard to oversell how significant good product descriptions are for an eCommerce business.

Without a physical product to pick up and look at, the product will not fully exist in the mind of the potential shopper. All they have to engage with and be won over by are some words and images on a screen.

Creative product descriptions must work hard to paint an enticing picture and accurately describe the product features. When it comes to achieving conversions – getting a browser to become a buyer and clicking that vital ‘add to cart’ button – great product descriptions are like having a power dialer to communicate directly with your consumer base. 

Knowing how crucial creative product descriptions are is one thing, but how does an online business ensure their product descriptions are the best they can be?

Here are nine key areas to cover to take the effort out of writing creative product descriptions.

1. Know Your Customers

Knowing your target customers is the first step in creating great product descriptions. It might sound counterintuitive to begin with customers rather than the product itself. But before you can set the tone and style, you need to get a handle on the buyer persona.

It is as important as having content to fit your audience when dealing with your website and marketing tactics. To make sure you know what your customers want, you should know who they are first.

Tracking how customers arrive at your website, what background and age group they might belong to, and what their interests and needs are likely to be; will allow you to tailor how you present the product to those potential buyers.

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2. Sell the Benefits

Customers are looking for products that fulfill a need or fix a problem. If you bear this in mind, then you’ll see immediately which features will interest them. But describing every aspect of the specifications can be off-putting. Keep to the qualities your product has that will benefit your customer.

It is basically an extension of thinking about how the product fits the market. So, go back to your marketing plan and team. What are the main selling points of the item? How do these categorically match what you understand of your consumer base’s needs?

For example, if you are selling a mini refrigerator – of course, its power, materials, and design are important – but it is probably of more interest to a customer that it fits under a desk and that it holds 12 cans of cola.

Make a list of the key features that customers are most likely to care about. Describe your product in these terms.

3. Cut the Jargon

While manufacturers’ descriptions have all the specs on your product, it is not a great look to overly rely on their jargon and word choice. As with business text messaging, you want clarity and economy of communication; wordy descriptions can hide the product benefits and features.

Another reason for not including too much of the manufacturer’s information is that you may not be the only online firm selling a particular product. You want to make your company stand out. Surprisingly, although customers might see the same product on various sites, clear, well-written product descriptions can help sway customer opinion and encourage them to choose your company to supply what they need.

It’s wise to check how your competitors have described the same or similar products. Imagine you are a customer; ask yourself which technical words or phrases are jarring or hard to understand? Can you think of a better way of outlining the product’s key features and benefits?

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4. Powerful but Natural Language

Getting an emotional response is a sure way to pique interest and make a product attractive. Make sure you choose powerful language; this does not mean exaggerated or overblown. Describing every product as the best or biggest, or most luxurious can be grating and tends to create disbelief in your audience. People know when they are being given a hard sell.

Be clear but subtle in your language choice. Maybe there is a better way of saying that something is value for money or user-friendly. Be wary of overused words and try to choose something more natural but no less impactful.

In short, word choice matters with product descriptions as much as product names and domains; just look at domain names Australia.

5. All the Senses

Think about the senses a customer might use in reality to choose a product. Your online customers can’t pick up your products, so it is very important to replicate these sensory experiences in your product description. 

Consider the product’s texture, taste, smell, sound, and visual qualities. Choose adjectives that paint a sensory picture, and allow your customers to ‘virtually’ hold the product in their hands.

Of course, you don’t want to get carried away with flowery descriptions, which would force customers to search out the facts. But a few well-chosen adjectives can engage a customer’s senses and make them far more likely to make a purchase.

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6. Tell a Story

Creative product descriptions are about telling stories, very short stories, but stories nonetheless. By ‘story’ we do not mean paragraphs of narrative, it’s just a way of adding an attractive element to the information. The story might be woven between the facts to bring them to life or be a separate, mini element. It might consist of information about where the product came from, who invented it, or was inspired to create it.

Stories can also be images or descriptions that show the customer what it might be like to own the product; how it might look in their office, home, or garden.

As with your choice of language, stories are important for grabbing the emotions and attention of your customer.

7. Scannable

In writing your beautifully crafted product description, it’s worth bearing in mind how short the human attention span is, especially when reading text. For this reason, it is even more imperative to grab your customers’ attention from the get-go.

Keep key parts of your description short and sweet, and make them stand out. If you want to direct customers to a digital catalog where more products can be viewed, make that link clear and easy to click on.

Most of us scan text to find the information we want. For this reason, it is very important to make your product description clear and easy to digest in its layout and choice of font. Bullet points and words in bold help a reader take in the text quickly. Large chunks of text, however well-written, can make them switch off.

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8. Write For Humans, but Include SEO

As we’ve seen, keeping your customer in mind as you compose creative product descriptions is the key to staying on track and including the right language to steer consumers to conversions and sales. But of course, optimizing your content for search engines using keywords is also important.

The key tip here is to appeal to those search engines without turning off your human target customer.

It’s a good idea to check the keywords used by your competitors, as well—using online tools to identify those favored in searches. It’s best to have the main keyword in your product title as this boosts your product visibility.

But never be tempted to cram in the keywords at the expense of a good product description. Remember; keywords help your consumer find your product, but they do not necessarily make the product description easier to digest.

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9. Quality Images

We have talked a lot about text, but alongside any successful creative product description is a quality image or images. Being able to see the product is key for most consumers. The trick, however, is to make your images as strong as your text; otherwise, you risk that they detract from rather than enhance your description. 

The chances of ecommerce business success are greatly increased if your product descriptions look and sound good. Make sure your images show any key features clearly and help tell the story of your product.

Be Creative, Convincing, and Clear

Getting your prospective customer to click the purchase button is like getting a client to sign on the dotted line, physically or via docusign alternatives.

It can be a hard-won result, however great your products are. Your website and products are competing with an ocean of similar online businesses, all shouting for the attention of consumers. Getting traffic to your site is the first hurdle, you don’t want to fall at the next by having product descriptions that don’t do your products justice.

Remember, you are talking to a human being, but don’t neglect SEO. Tell a story and appeal to the senses; sell the benefits, but don’t hard sell. But most of all, to make your product descriptions shine: be creative, be clear, and you will convince your customers to choose your products.

The post 9 Effortless Ways to Write Creative Product Descriptions That Sell appeared first on DigitalMarketer.
