Doug Dibert Jr., Author at DigitalMarketer Wed, 27 Apr 2022 13:25:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Doug Dibert Jr., Author at DigitalMarketer 32 32 How To Begin a Video Marketing Plan [VIDEO] Wed, 27 Apr 2022 17:00:00 +0000 Creating a video marketing strategy is the key to keeping your business moving full steam ahead. Here are three videos explaining how to get started.

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How To Begin a Video Marketing Plan [VIDEO]

The truth is, video marketing NEEDS to be part of every business’s marketing strategy. It converts better than text or pictures. It educates your target audience and gives them a sense of who you or your brand is so they can decide whether they want to work with you. “Video killed the radio star,” and the yellow pages, newspaper classified ads, Craigslist, text-only blogs, etc.

Now is the time to get in the game. And this is the article to help you get started!

Film an About Us Video

Before you speak a word, take a deep breath, quiet your thoughts and focus. Think about the good things your business has provided for you, your family, and your community. Now press record. It’s just that simple to begin a video marketing strategy.

As entrepreneurs we often don’t realize how our own stories collide and intersect with another person. These types of stories are so valuable because they say, “Hey, I can relate to you.”

Speaking about the person of you, allows your customers to see for themselves that you have a family, you play baseball, you love the area you live in, and why. These types of videos gain trust, relatability, and they also can be fun.

About You/Us videos don’t have to be fancy.

They can be something as simple as you talking about why you do what you do in your business, as you take your dog for a walk. The local park or your own neighborhood make for a great background and perfect lighting if it’s on a sunny day. Want to make it a little more personal or interesting, why not bring the dog into the video with you?

Here’s another idea, have your staff give you a quick hello and then proceed to discuss how your company started and why. Talk about why it was so cool to bring this type of business to the community.

As you do these videos more and more, you will develop a rhythm and trust me, the creativity will begin to flow.

There are a few businesses out there that might feel stuck and maybe just a bit intimidated about the whole process of beginning a video marketing strategy or even producing video content.

This is the reason you need to set marketing goals for yourself and your company.

These goals mean you have the pulse on your area of expertise and you, as the reactor, can help guide them in the right direction. People always love video content with a real talking, breathing face of success! That face of success is you!!

If you are looking to pull rank on your competition, then you need to give your viewers something that no one else is doing…think outside the box. Give them content with a purpose. Let them see your confidence, your sense of humor, and who or what your brand is.

The potential to build a rapport with your clients/customers is too rich to not begin creating a marketing campaign.

You might think your story is unimportant, but it is important. If you don’t tell it your way then who will? All stories don’t have to begin with Once Upon a Time but, if you want it to, it can….it’s your story!

Answer all the FAQs

Have you ever wondered who is pursuing you? Who is looking at your company website and just looking for a reason to NOT pick you?

People will look for something that jumps out at them before they will move to the next page on your website, and make no mistake, our consumers are not inexperienced.

They know when something doesn’t feel quite right. Their gut tells them so.

Clients want to get to know a company before they step out and give you their name, their address, and other information.

What if I told you, there was a way for your clients to get to know you and your company, and that you have already done the leg work for it? Here’s the good news…that Q & A page on your website is the content for your next series of videos.

Using your Q & A page is the perfect meet and greet for your clients. Not only do they get to see you talking about your company, products, and answering questions in detail, but they can also meet your staff while they answer a few of those “I’ve always wanted to know questions.”

When you create a short video about you and your company, your words have automatically come to life, instead of just lying there on the page. You have reframed them into the form of video content, and guess what… they are being noticed.

Clients either want to move towards a solution or away from a problem. Your Q & A video content gives you the time to expand upon an answer.

As you begin to create your video marketing goals use yourself as an example. In other words, if you think it’s boring….it’s boring. Our brains crave new, fascinating things. It excites our brains like a strong shot of espresso.

Give your consumers a treat for their brains. Give them something to be curious about! Give them color, movement and a video email with you holding up a sign saying “Smile, I’ll Make Ya Famous”.

Change your delivery and people will watch and listen. Engagement drives results!

Remember, the consumer is pursuing you but at the same time, you are pursuing them.

Ask yourself this question, would you rather have a video explaining an answer to a question or would you rather have directions to turn to page 123, section 1a, chapter 24 of a manual to figure out something?

Yeah, we all know you said “Video!”

Step Into the Expert Role

Expert is a powerful word, isn’t it?

People will also use the word “virtuoso” to describe a person who has extensive knowledge and expertise in their field. The difference between those two words is, one is an authority and the other is an ace. To me, both mean the same except one sound’s fancy and the other sounds like they might have a great story to tell.

In business, you want to hear the story from the experts. You want to listen to the authority who has been in business for many years, because they are the ones who have already found the secret to success. They are the ones who have found out the little nuances that worked and didn’t work.

The story “from the expert” needs to come from you…the expert!!

When consumers or clients are searching the internet for an answer to their question, they will find you and your expert videos. They will realize that you have the secret to success and that you have already experienced the same issues.

You say, “I don’t really have the time to create a series of expert videos.” I say, “sure you do, you don’t have to do it all at once, do them in degrees.”

Start off with a very important video, a trigger point. This video is about a pain point in your business that either frustrated you, caused you a lot of stress or almost made you say I am done, I quit.

Talk about it, give the specifics, and then give them the solution, that “ah ha” moment that made you move past that trigger point.

The expert videos are the videos that engage the mind and feed the intellect. They also show that you kept your focus on what was important, not what was imminent.

Take a few moments and make a list of what you would like to talk about. Lists are valuable, they keep you focused and they also make a great video content series for your YouTube Channels, social media sites, email newsletters, and your company blog.

Creating a video marketing plan is a blueprint for success for you.

It’s you focusing on your clients, your brand, your company, and everyone’s multi-layered success. I can tell you that once upon a time, there was only one way to advertise and that was the newspaper. I will also tell you in this moving-forward, forever-adjusting world, having a video marketing strategy for your target audience is what is going to keep your company alive. Video marketing will give you the momentum you need to keep moving forward 24/7.

Theodore Roosevelt once said,

“Develop action. Do things; be sane; don’t fritter away your time; create, act, take a place wherever you are and be someone; become action.”

Some pretty, wise words!

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3 Ways to Use YouTube to Hack Google’s SEO Algorithm Thu, 23 Dec 2021 21:57:16 +0000 That’s where Google’s little brother YouTube comes to the rescue! By adding a video marketing plan to your clients SEO strategy. You can help them get quick wins. 

The post 3 Ways to Use YouTube to Hack Google’s SEO Algorithm appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


There’s nothing worse than starting an SEO plan for a client that does understand that SEO can be a LONG game. Even after you’ve beat them over the head with that fact, the client can still get upset for paying month after month with only little to show.

That’s where Google’s little brother YouTube comes to the rescue! By adding a video marketing plan to your clients SEO strategy. You can help them get quick wins. 

You see, when your little brother makes you billions of dollars, little brother doesn’t have to wait in line like the other websites for that page 1 ranking, little brother cuts the line with the 3 video carousel that will be right on page 1 of Google. 

Getting your clients videos to rank in that video carousel will help your client feel good about working with you +PLUS help your SEO plan stand out from your competition.

Here are 3 Video SEO tips to help your client snag that top spot! 

  • Determine what long tail or short tail keywords you want to go after and craft your content verbiage around that. Have your client say those words in the video. 
  • Once you upload that video, correct the close caption transcript google creates, when you do that, Google will mark that video optimized.
  • Create an eye-catching thumbnail. You don’t want to claim that spot and have a boring, unclickable thumb nail. Make sure you design an image that’s quick to read, understand and answers the question they just searched for.

If you’re like, Doug, how do I even begin to create that video content for my clients YouTube channel? 

Well, we at Magnfi have you covered check out our white label option at and have your own in-house scalable video service offering.

I hope you enjoyed the video! Thanks for watching!

– Doug

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Video is Rocket Fuel for Email Marketing Mon, 20 Dec 2021 23:44:00 +0000 Why having video is essential to your marketing team, and how to Implement video into your email marketing campaigns!

The post Video is Rocket Fuel for Email Marketing appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


Imagine your email marketing is like a little fire and this little fire is great. It keeps you warm, keeps you happy. Much like your typical email marketing campaign. It works, does the job, still effective here and there. You get some wins.

But deep down you’re like, I want a larger fire! One that people want to crowd around and read. I want my email marketing campaign to take off like a rocket and amazing tons of people!

Well, that’s what adding video to your email marketing campaign will do.

Embedding a video to the body of your email does so many amazing things!

Here are 3 things to do to your video in your email marketing campaigns that are really going to help them catch fire!

  • Include “video” in your subject line. Why? Adding the word “video” in your subject line boost open rates by 19%!
  • Add a clickable animated GIF with a play button so it tells the person, that this is a video just for them. Do not just do a still image. 
  • Use the video you create in your email message to drive home the value proposition of what is being communicated in that email, let that video take your customer down the sales funnel you want them to go down. 

On top of that, studies show that if someone watches a video about a product or service they are 50% more likely to buy it.

The world’s best marketers are leveraging video in their email marketing, it’s time that you do it for yourself and for your clients. 

If you’re like most people, you might be wondering, how in the world do I even begin to do this? I don’t have the time to…

  • Record a video
  • Upload it and host the video somewhere
  • Create an animated GIF
  • Add that to the email
  • Hyperlink it to a landing page were the video lives

I get it, that’s why Magnfi does that for you like “snap” and you can have it all branded to your agency for your own in-house video service offering. Check out our white label option at

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How to Hire a Videographer Sun, 17 Oct 2021 20:57:00 +0000 If you are a Digital Marketing Agency and you don’t have a Video Marketer as part of your team, let’s just say your company might be a little malnourished.  What I mean by that is, you have all the other nutrients to feed the marketing giant except, the most appealing treat of them all Video!

The post How to Hire a Videographer appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


There are several elements of information every business needs to have to remain competitive in the market.

1. A description of your business

2. Analysis of your competition

3. A Complete Marketing plan

4. Hiring the right people, wait! What was number 3?  

A Complete Marketing Plan….Humm, Interesting!  

If you are a Digital Marketing Agency and you don’t have a Video Marketer as part of your team, let’s just say your company might be a little malnourished.  What I mean by that is, you have all the other nutrients to feed the marketing giant except, the most appealing treat of them all Video!

You say, “We already have a video person in our company, what’s the difference”?  There is a distinction between a Video Marketer and a Video Production person.  A Video Production person knows how to use all the tools to create a video.  A Video Marketer not only knows how to use the tools, but they also know how to help your client from the start. They know how to begin the plan.   It’s essential they are there at the creation of your marketing plans.  You want someone who knows all the facets in the Video Marketing world.

When you’re looking to bring on a full-time Video Marketer to your team, look for a few key things.  First, look at their work.  Is it top-notch, do they know how to tell a story?  What is their experience working with clients? 

Secondly, have they ever helped build a Video Marketing plan?  Have they taken a video from concept to completion to implementation? Do they have experience launching those videos into the world of YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, and other social media platforms?

You might have someone already on your team you’re thinking of for this position.  They might not have all the polished skills you’re looking for but, they know how to apply the entire concepts of creating a video.  They have the creative intuition of why this video needs to be produced, what it takes to create it and the knowledge of how to bring it to the market. 

We all need other people to put a different voice to things from time to time but, a true leader will bring in strength when they want to optimize performance.

Ready, Set, Record!

Doug Dibert Jr.

Doug Dibert, Jr. has been in the world of video marketing since January 2005 when he founded his 1st video marketing agency. He has worked with 100’s of businesses nationally and internationally helping them create video content and video marketing plans. 

Seeing the future growth of video and the need for any business to quickly create professional video content with no video editing needed, in 2017 he found the SaaS video marketing platform and a year later sold his video marketing agency to focus on Magnfi’s growth.

Doug is a highly welcomed speaker at many business strategy events, online or in-person, where he teaches practical how-to methods on how businesses can leverage video content quickly.

Doug and his team at Magnfi partner with businesses and digital marketing agencies who want their own in-house scalable video service offering via the Magnfi white label program. 

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How to Be a Thought Leader To Your Customers But Expert To Your Rivals Mon, 04 Oct 2021 14:52:26 +0000 Everything concerning digital marketing is expanding and evolving, and you DON’T want to get left behind. Learn how to become a business thought leader.

The post How to Be a Thought Leader To Your Customers But Expert To Your Rivals appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


I heard someone say, “Once you speak a word you have given it life, and you can never destroy it”.  Words are life and they will add value, build you up and confirm.  They act as a magnet/echo to you.  You want that magnet/echo to become loud, so your customers are fascinated by you.  

If you want your customers to see and hear what an expert says about a product or service, then turn the camera around on yourself.  I see you shrugging your shoulders and thinking “what am I going to say”?  I am not the speak on camera type of person, I get tongue tied.  

Here’s a little tip, if you have a blog or your company has a blog read it and then read it again. But, why?  What would be the purpose?  Here’s the purpose you just read what you should be talking about.  You just read your script, or you just read what is on the pulse of your company, so talk about it.  

Once you have read your blog or companies blog, turn the camera around, smile and press record. Go ahead and talk about your expertise in your area or what you need your clients to hear and then go ahead and post it on your social media page.

Your story is continually moving, and movement requires, action, engagement, and risk.  You want your videos to be Info-To-Go and what I mean by that is you want your videos to be informative and full of information so your clients can take it and run with it to build their company.

You have the pulse on you and on your company, so go ahead and take it to the next level!

Ready, Aim, Record!


Doug Dibert Jr.

Doug Dibert, Jr. has been in the world of video marketing since January 2005 when he founded his 1st video marketing agency. He has worked with 100’s of businesses nationally and internationally helping them create video content and video marketing plans. 

Seeing the future growth of video and the need for any business to quickly create professional video content with no video editing needed, in 2017 he found the SaaS video marketing platform and a year later sold his video marketing agency to focus on Magnfi’s growth.

Doug is a highly welcomed speaker at many business strategy events, online or in-person, where he teaches practical how-to methods on how businesses can leverage video content quickly.

Doug and his team at Magnfi partner with businesses and digital marketing agencies who want their own in-house scalable video service offering via the Magnfi white label program. 

The post How to Be a Thought Leader To Your Customers But Expert To Your Rivals appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

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