Trending Archives - DigitalMarketer Thu, 04 Jan 2024 18:25:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Trending Archives - DigitalMarketer 32 32 Disruptive Design: Raising the Bar of Content Marketing with Graphic Design Thu, 04 Jan 2024 18:25:21 +0000 What if I told you that your content marketing strategy is only half as effective without using graphic design? It's like serving a gourmet meal on a trash can lid - the quality is there, but the presentation is all wrong.

The post Disruptive Design: Raising the Bar of Content Marketing with Graphic Design appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


What if I told you that your content marketing strategy is only half as effective without using graphic design? It’s like serving a gourmet meal on a trash can lid – the quality is there, but the presentation is all wrong.

Imagine that you’re scrolling through your favorite online platform – what stops your thumb in its tracks? Is it the lengthy posts, or the visuals that tell a story without even a single word? I think that answer is more obvious now than ever. As a digital marketer and graphic design veteran who has witnessed the evolution of the industry over the last 17+ years, I’ve come to a realization: in our rush to improve the process of content creation, most creators often underestimate the profound influence that graphic design has on their content.

Every marketer knows that we live in a digitally dominant era where content is king, but what is missed is that it’s the visual elements that truly command attention, and get the coveted click.

Along my journey, from creating award winning brands to crafting successful marketing strategies, I’ve observed a pivotal shift in the way content marketing is done. Content marketing is not just about polarizing words on a screen; it’s about the powerful interplay of text and visuals.

So, I want to pose to you an often overlooked but crucial question: Is our content truly engaging people without graphic design to breathe life into it?

In this article I want to dive deeper into the often-underrated role of graphic design in the content marketing world, and discover how it’s not just complementing, but revolutionizing the way we connect and build value with our audiences online.

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In observing strategies employed by industry leaders like Chris Do, Gary Vee, Mark DeGrasse and many
others, it’s really obvious that graphic design is at the forefront of today’s most engaging content marketing tactics. A great example is how we’ve seen a huge surge in the use of image carousels, which not only capture attention but also tell a captivating story through a sequence of 2 to 10 visual slides.

These are more than just a graphic; they’re chapters of a bigger narrative, each slide enticing the viewer to keep swiping, leading usually to a call to action at the end of the Carousel. Equally impactful are the cleverly crafted memes that have become a staple in not just social media but all digital communication.

These aren’t just jokes or passing trends; they represent a brilliant form of graphic design that combines humor, relatability, and sharp commentary, making them irresistibly shareable.

True story, when I first came back into contact with my now wife, the way our relationship rekindled after over a decade of being out of touch was through animated meme’s many of us know as GIF’s. Whether it’s to express a feeling, make someone laugh, or even piss someone off, meme’s and animated Gifs are one of the most disruptive pieces of content marketing we’ve ever seen.

It’s a blend of storytelling and visual appeal that sets apart mundane content from the articles and posts that go viral, driving home the point that graphic design is no longer just an aesthetic choice – it’s a strategic one. I’m using thoughtfully designed images in my stories, my LinkedIn Posts, my Facebook and Circle group, on my Google Business Profile, landing pages, and even on my YouTube Channel.

These days, just about anyone can create images that make people stop scrolling and take notice. It hasn’t always been this easy, though. The rise of user-friendly design tools, like Canva, has significantly changed the game in content marketing. With Canva, and tools like it, creating attractive content isn’t just for professional designers anymore, even my wife uses Canva for her business constantly. Now, almost anyone can put together visually appealing designs, it’s opened up a whole new world of possibilities for how we create and share our messages.

Canva’s emergence as a serious contender to Adobe’s suite highlights a growing trend: graphic design is no longer the exclusive domain of professional designers. With user-friendly interfaces and an abundance of resources, these platforms empower even non-designers to create visually appealing content. However, this ease of access has presented a new challenge.

The online space is now saturated with visually appealing content, making it increasingly difficult to create graphics that not only grab attention but also compel the viewer to click and engage. As a result, the bar for what is deemed ‘eye-catching’ design is constantly being raised.

This oversaturation draws attention to a critical area of my expertise: in an era where high-quality design tools are at everyone’s fingertips, the true differentiator is no longer just about having visually appealing content. It’s about crafting designs that are not only visually stunning but also uniquely tailored to cut through the noise and resonate with your target audience.

It’s a delicate balance of aesthetics and strategic thinking, where understanding the nuances of your brand and target avatar or audience’s preferences becomes as important as the design itself. This is a far cry from the early days of content marketing, so let’s journey back a bit in time to understand how we transitioned from a text-heavy approach to one where visuals are not just complementary but central to our messaging.

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It’s important to look back at how this fits into the bigger picture of content marketing’s evolution. This shift from detailed text to striking visuals didn’t happen overnight. It’s a change that’s been brewing for a while, driven by our audience’s growing preference for quick, visually engaging content over long, text-heavy posts.

We’ve come a long way from the days of text-dominated marketing, I can still remember writing my first long articles on Blogger trying to build my personal brand. Everyday we are moving more towards a world where vibrant images and graphics do most of the talking and at least give the first impression, good or bad.

The Evolution of Content Marketing: A Visual Journey

So let’s dive deeper. In the beginning, the internet was a frontier of mostly text. Content marketing was
primarily about words, like articles, blogs, and emails. There was no social media, it was a world dominated by lengthy web pages filled with paragraphs of information, where visuals played a minimal role, often just an afterthought. The primary aim was to inform and educate, with businesses and marketers relying heavily on written content to reach their audience.

Graphics and images were used sparingly, primarily due to technological limitations. Slow internet speeds and less sophisticated web design tools meant that visuals were often basic and not the focal point of content.

The art of marketing was more about telling than showing, with the emphasis placed on the power of words to paint a picture. This text-heavy approach aligned with the audience’s expectations of the time, as they were accustomed to receiving information primarily through reading.

As the digital landscape began to evolve, so did the tools and platforms at our disposal. The introduction of more sophisticated graphic design software marked a turning point in content marketing. Suddenly, creating amazing visuals wasn’t just for the pros. Tools that were once complex and inaccessible began to transform, becoming more user-friendly and widely available.

This popularization of design tools coincided with the rise of broadband internet, making it easier to upload and share high-quality images, graphics and even videos.Websites became more visually appealing, and the audience’s expectations began to change as well.

Around the same time, the birth of social media platforms added fuel to this growing fire. Platforms like
Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter were not just about connecting people; they were (and still are) visual
mediums at their foundation. They allowed for the sharing of images and videos, leading to a more dynamic form of engagement.

Content that included compelling visuals or eye-catching graphics started to see higher engagement rates. Consumers began to crave and expect a visual component in their online interactions, gradually moving away from the text-heavy content of the past.

This period was a game-changer for me and as a creative person. It wasn’t just about the availability of better tools or faster internet; it was a shift in consumer behavior. People started to prefer quick, visual snippets of information over lengthy textual content. The quick consumption of information became the norm, and content marketing had to adapt.

Visuals were no longer just an embellishment; they became essential to capturing and retaining our audience’s attention. This transition phase has set the stage for a new era in content marketing, one where visuals are not just important but often the main attraction.

In today’s digital marketing landscape, the prominence of visual content creation is unmistakable. Tools like Canva and Midjourney have not only simplified the process of creating visually appealing content but have also raised the bar for what audiences expect. Canva, with its user-friendly interface, empowers even those with little to no design skills to create professional-looking graphics.

Midjourney, takes things even a step further by harnessing the power of AI (artificial intelligence), allowing creators to bring complex visual ideas to life quickly and easily, simply by typing in a text command of what you want. These tools are more than just conveniences; they represent a fundamental shift in how content is created and consumed. They enable brands to produce high-quality visuals quickly, ensuring that their digital presence is both vibrant and engaging.

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The visual shift is most evident on social media platforms, where the battle for attention is fierce on these free to use sites. Platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok thrive on imagery and video content, pushing brands to think visually first. This visually-driven approach isn’t just about making designs that look pretty; it’s about communication and true connection.

Brands are now telling their stories through images, infographics, meme’s and videos, creating content that is not only visually captivating but also Emotionally impactful. I believe this trend has set a new standard in content marketing, the ability to convey a message through compelling visuals is just as important as the message itself. The transformation of content marketing from its text-dominated beginnings to the visually-rich experience we see today is a clear indication of how audience preferences have evolved. In the current landscape, content is evaluated not just on the information it conveys but also on its visual presentation.

Brands that acknowledge and adapt to this evolution, utilizing tools like Canva and Midjourney to craft engaging, visually appealing content, are the ones that truly stand out. As we forge ahead in the dynamic world of digital marketing, our ability to effectively communicate through visuals has become a fundamental skill.

This move towards a more visual approach in content marketing is a signpost of future trends, making it critical for every brands to stay current and embrace this change to make a meaningful impact. Brands that stay ahead of the curve and integrate this change into their strategies are the ones that will make a lasting mark in the marketplace and digital world as a whole. By embracing these evolving trends, companies can ensure they remain relevant, compelling, and connected with their audiences.

Simply put, the key to success in this era is clear: embrace the visual, and let it amplify your brand’s voice in the digital conversation.

Graphic Design: The Unsung Hero of Content Engagement

At the heart of every successful content marketing strategy lies an often-overlooked hero: graphic design. Beyond mere aesthetics, graphic design has a profound psychological impact on an audiences engagement. It’s not just about looking good; it’s about feeling right. Visuals can evoke emotions, stir memories, and influence decisions, making them a powerful tool in capturing and maintaining your audience’s attention.

Studies and statistics reinforce this concept. For example, according to Forbes, content with relevant images gets 94% more views than content without images. On top of that, social media posts with visuals see significantly higher engagement rates than those without. These figures highlight a simple truth: in the realm of digital marketing, a picture doesn’t just complement your message; it can be the message.

But what makes a graphic design so effective in content marketing? It’s more than just choosing the right images. It’s about having a deep understanding of color psychology, typography, imagery, and layout design. Each of these elements plays a role in how your content is perceived and received. For example, color can influence mood and brand perception, while typography affects readability and the tone of your message.

A well-designed piece of content can tell a story, create a mood, and convey a message in a way words alone can just can’t do. A compelling infographic can simplify a ton of complex information, while a well-crafted social media graphic will make your content shareable and memorable. As we explore these elements, we’ll see how graphic design is not just supporting content but is often driving its success.

In wrapping up this exploration of using graphic design to increase content engagement, it’s clear that its role is pivotal. From the way colors and typography influence our emotion and perception, to how layouts and images drive interaction and shareability, graphic design is at the heart of effective communication. It’s not just about making content look cool; it’s about making it resonate with your audience on the deepest level possible.

As we continue to navigate the evolving landscape of content marketing, the importance of understanding and leveraging these design elements cannot be overemphasized. The brands that do this well will not only capture massive attention but also create lasting connections with their audience which turn into massive ROI. Graphic design in content marketing is more than just an aesthetic choice; it’s a strategic necessity.

Graphic Design & Brand Identity: Telling a Brand’s Story

Moving beyond content engagement, graphic design also plays a fundamental role in shaping and
communicating your brand’s identity. It’s a powerful tool that goes beyond visual aesthetics, encapsulating a brand’s values, personality, and story. In our over saturated digital marketplace, where consumers encounter countless new brands daily, graphic design helps brands distinguish themselves.

Take, for example, Apple. Their minimalist design approach, with clean lines and a sleek, monochromatic color scheme, isn’t just about looks. It conveys elegance, simplicity, and innovation, which are core to the brand’s identity and it’s that identity that has created a cult-like following, people that will blindly buy anything that Apple makes. Their design philosophy extends beyond their products to their advertising, website, and even retail spaces, creating a consistent and powerful brand experience that’s instantly recognizable.

Another notable example is Coca-Cola. Their use of bold reds and the dynamic ribbon, along with the classic typography of their logo, creates a sense of familiarity and nostalgia. These design elements are consistent across all of their marketing materials, reinforcing their brand identity as one that’s timeless yet always current.

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Alongside the commercial brands, consider America as a brand itself. This might seem unconventional, but America, or the United States of America, stands as one of the most globally recognized and powerful ‘brand’ entities. Its brand identity extends far beyond just a name; it embodies concepts of freedom, prosperity, and opportunity. This brand image isn’t a product of mere coincidence or financial might; it’s a result of carefully crafted symbols and narratives.

From the iconic red, white, and blue colors symbolizing valor, purity, and perseverance to symbols like the bald eagle, the American flag, and the Statue of Liberty, each element tells a part of the American story. These elements resonate with people not just within the country, but around the world. They are visual reminders and representations of the values the brand ‘America’ stands for.

Just like Apple and Coca-Cola, America’s brand strategy highlights the importance of a cohesive narrative in design, where every visual element contributes to the overall identity and message of the brand.

Graphic design from the perspective of brand identity is about more than creating a visually appealing logo or choosing the right colors. It’s about weaving a visual narrative that tells your brand’s story at every touchpoint, engaging all of the 5 senses. It’s the subtle nuances in design that communicate a brand’s ethos and values to the consumer, building a relationship beyond the product or service.

Graphic design is a key player in the storytelling aspect of brand identity. The brands that excel in this are the ones that understand the power of visual storytelling and harness it to build a strong, cohesive, and enduring identity. As we progress in the digital age, our ability to tell a compelling visual story will become increasingly crucial in establishing and maintaining a robust brand presence.

The Synergy Between Graphic Design & SEO

While it’s super clear that graphic design is crucial in telling a brand’s story and engaging audiences, there’s another, often overlooked aspect where it plays a vital role: Search Engine Optimization (SEO). At first, graphic design and SEO might seem like distant cousins, but in reality, they work hand in hand together to boost a brand’s online presence. Good design isn’t just about catching the eye; it’s about being found in the massive red ocean of the online marketplace.

I want you to consider the role of user experience in SEO. Search engines, like Google, favor websites that provide a positive user experience, and graphic design is at the heart of this. A well-designed website with intuitive navigation, responsive layouts, and engaging visuals keeps visitors on the site longer, reducing bounce rates and signaling to search engines that your site is valuable.

This is where mobile-friendliness comes into play. With the majority of online browsing happening on mobile devices now, having a mobile-responsive design isn’t just nice to have; it’s crucial. According to Forbes As of Q2 2022, 58.99% percent of all web traffic came through mobile phones Websites that aren’t optimized for mobile viewing suffer in search rankings and performance overall, but you probably already know that unless you’ve been living under a rock.

Then there’s the power of infographics. Infographics are SEO gold – they present information in an easily
digestible, visually appealing format, making them highly shareable. A well-crafted infographic will earn
backlinks, a key factor in SEO, as other websites use it as a reference. This not only increases your site’s
visibility but also establishes your brand’s authority in your field. Are you using infographics on your website?

To optimize your visuals for search engines, start with the basics: ensure all your images have descriptive, keyword-rich file names and alt text. This helps search engines understand and index your visuals, improving your content’s visibility. Also, keep an eye on image file sizes. Large images will slow down your site, negatively impacting user experience and, by extension, your SEO.

Bridging the gap between graphic design and SEO may seem challenging, but it’s a connection that will
elevate your content marketing strategy to a new level. By integrating thoughtful, SEO-friendly design elements into your digital presence, you not only enhance user experience but also improve your chances of ranking higher in search results, making your content more discoverable, impactful, and most importantly profitable.

The Future of Graphic Design in Content Marketing

As we’ve explored the dynamic relationship between graphic design and SEO in reshaping our approach to content marketing, it’s essential to turn our gaze to the horizon, and to what lies ahead. As I’m reflecting on themes from my previous article about the future of design, the influence of AI on graphic design and content marketing is undeniably profound. We’re stepping into a new era where technology meets creativity, opening exciting new possibilities for both marketers and designers.

The role of AI in graphic design is already making waves, with tools that create impressive visuals and layouts with little human input. But this is just the beginning.

Looking forward, AI is expected to revolutionize not just how we create designs but also introduce a new level of personalization and interaction in content. Imagine having content that morphs according to the viewer’s preferences or interactive infographics that evolve based on user interaction – this is the potential that AI and emerging technologies are bringing to the forefront.

Augmented reality (AR) is another thrilling area to watch. AR in content marketing could drastically alter how brands engage with their audiences, offering immersive, interactive experiences beyond the conventional screen. Visualize a scenario where consumers can virtually interact with a product, or where storytelling extends beyond traditional media to become an immersive encounter.

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Another groundbreaking example of where design meets futuristic technology is in the use of augmented reality (AR) by glass companies to create ‘Smart Glass.’ This innovative application is transforming the retail experience, particularly in fashion storefronts. Imagine walking past a store and seeing a display window equipped with Smart Glass.

As you look into the glass, AR technology projects clothing from the store onto your reflection, allowing you to see what the outfit would look like on you, without ever stepping into the store or trying on the clothes.

This interactive experience is not only engaging and convenient for customers but also opens up new avenues for brands to showcase their products in a personalized and interactive manner. By integrating AR with graphic design, retailers can create a dynamic and immersive shopping experience that blends the physical and digital worlds, offering a glimpse into the future of retail marketing.

The move towards personalized visuals is expected to accelerate. Where customization reigns supreme, the capability to tailor content to individual tastes and behaviors is crucial. This means crafting graphics and visuals that not only appeal to a broad audience but also connect intimately with each individual viewer.

For those of us in content marketing and graphic design, it’s crucial to keep pace with these trends and begin weaving them into our strategies. The future of graphic design in content marketing is ripe with opportunities for groundbreaking innovations and deeper connections with our audience.

Embracing these emerging trends and experimenting with novel technologies will help us craft content that is not just viewed but deeply experienced in completely new and exciting ways.

Disruptive Graphic Design: Thinking Outside the Box

Let’s dive into some real-life examples where audacious design choices made a real difference. Imagine a campaign that boldly went against the grain, perhaps using a strikingly unconventional color scheme or an offbeat layout to make a statement. For instance, ‘Lions Not Sheep’, founded by Sean Whalen, transcends being merely a clothing line; it embodies a lifestyle.

Its success lies not in intricate designs but in its straightforward, bold messaging with army-style lettering. Phrases like ‘Lions Not Sheep’, ‘Free Man’, and ‘Free Woman’ have driven millions in merchandise sales monthly, proving how simplicity paired with a strong message can captivate an audience.

Another example of such disruptive design is Robinhood, the stock trading and investing app. By deviating from the complex interfaces of traditional stock platforms, Robinhood offers a simple user-friendly app with a clean, intuitive design. This approach not only disrupted the stock brokerage industry but also made investing more accessible, highlighting how innovative design can simplify and transform user experience.

Adopting a trailblazing approach in your design work means stepping into uncharted territory. It’s about
experimenting with bold contrasts, innovative layouts, or unique imagery while staying true to your brand’s essence. Striking the right balance is key.

Test out new ideas, seek feedback, and be ready to refine. It’s not just about being different; it’s about being authentically you, in a way that connects with your audience on a deeper level. This journey is about finding that sweet spot where your brand’s voice and unconventional design meet.

Wrapping up, the essence of standout content marketing often lies in the courage to be different in your design approach. For me, disruptive graphic design is an invitation to challenge the status quo, to be boldly creative, and to stretch the limits of what’s possible.

As you integrate these ideas into your marketing, remember that the most memorable designs often emerge from a willingness to be bold and original. I want to encourage you and your team to break the mold, to experiment fearlessly, and to embrace the exciting possibilities that come with innovative design. It’s in this space of creativity and daring where your brand can truly make its unique mark in the digital landscape.

Integrating Graphic Design in Your Content Marketing Strategy

My mentor Nicholas Bayerle says that “information plus application creates the transformation”, integrating graphic design isn’t an afterthought; it’s a necessity. As we’ve seen through my examples, the impact of well- thought-out design can elevate content from ordinary to extraordinary. This integration isn’t solely about making content look good; it’s about enhancing your message and engaging the audience more effectively.

Effective collaboration between content marketers and graphic designers is pivotal. This synergy can be
achieved when both parties understand and appreciate the strengths of the other. Content marketers should communicate the core message and target audience clearly, while designers need to bring these narratives to life visually.

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Regular meetings and brainstorming sessions will help align these two creative processes. Using collaborative tools and platforms can also streamline the process, ensuring that both design and content complement each other seamlessly.

A big step in integrating graphic design into your content marketing strategy is to conduct an audit of your existing content. Evaluate your current assets and identify where design can play a more significant role.

Does your blog have appealing featured images? Are your social media posts scroll stopping? Look for opportunities to incorporate more graphics, such as infographics in blog posts or visually rich stories on social media. Remember, the goal is to enhance and not overshadow the content’s message.

Actionable Tips for Stronger Design Integration

To effectively integrate graphic design, consider these actionable tips:

  1. Consistency is key – maintain a consistent design language across all platforms to strengthen brand
  2. Understand your avatars – design with your target audience in mind, ensuring the visuals resonate with
  3. Use design to clarify and enhance your message – visuals should complement and elevate the content,
    not confuse or distract.
  4. Keep up with design trends – but only adopt those that align with your brand’s voice and message.
  5. Test and get feedback – use analytics and user feedback to understand what works and refine your
    approach accordingly.

Different content types require different approaches. For instance, social media posts might benefit from bold, eye-catching graphics, while whitepapers will need more subtle, informative visual elements. Videos can be enhanced with branded animations and motion graphics. It’s about finding the right visual approach for each content type while ensuring it aligns with your overall branding and strategy.

Integrating graphic design into content marketing is more than just a combination of words and visuals; it’s the creation of a cohesive, compelling narrative that speaks to your audience. By effectively blending these two elements, you can elevate your content marketing strategy, making your message not only seen but also felt and remembered. It’s this synergy that will set your content apart in the digital realm.

As we wrap up our journey through the multifaceted world of graphic design in content marketing, it’s clear that design is much more than just an aesthetic element. From the evolution of content that prioritizes visuals to the innovative integration of AI and AR, graphic design has proven to be vital in engaging and resonating with audiences. The demand for disruptive design further illustrates our need for creativity and boldness in an increasingly competitive online world.

The fusion of graphic design with content marketing is not just a trend but a fundamental shift in how we
communicate and connect with our audience. Whether through the seamless collaboration of designers and content creators or the strategic use of emerging technologies, integrating graphic design effectively can dramatically enhance the impact of your content.

As you move forward in your content marketing efforts, I encourage you to view graphic design not just as a tool, but as an essential partner in storytelling. Audit your current content, identify opportunities for stronger design integration, and dare to experiment with unconventional approaches. Stay abreast of the latest trends and technologies, and remember that in the realm of digital marketing, the most powerful content is that which can captivate both visually and narratively.

In closing, ask yourself this: how can you further intertwine the art of design with the science of marketing to craft content that is not only informative but also visually compelling? The future of content marketing is a canvas awaiting your creativity, and graphic design is the brush with which you can paint a story that leaves a lasting impression.

In the digital arena, it’s not just about creating content; it’s about designing experiences that resonate and engage.

The post Disruptive Design: Raising the Bar of Content Marketing with Graphic Design appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

AI in 2024: A Digital Marketer’s Guide to Benefits and Pitfalls Thu, 21 Dec 2023 19:35:44 +0000 More and more AI tools are cropping up with the promise of making your job easier. So, should you jump on the bandwagon in 2024? Is AI for you?

The post AI in 2024: A Digital Marketer’s Guide to Benefits and Pitfalls appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


Whether you love it or hate it, there’s no escaping it! When it comes to AI or artificial intelligence, this statement holds true.

Today, over 80% of digital marketers make use of AI in some way or the other. Whether it is using ChatGPT for generating ideas or Jasper for your captions, AI is here to stay.

More and more AI tools are cropping up with the promise of making your job easier. So, should you jump on the bandwagon in 2024? Is AI for you?

Don’t worry. This article has all the answers as we walk you through the benefits and drawbacks of artificial intelligence in digital marketing in 2024. So, let’s delve right in!

8 Benefits of AI in Digital Marketing in 2024

First, let’s unpack all the exciting benefits AI has to offer in the field of digital marketing in 2024.

1. Taking Up Personalization a Notch Higher

In 2024, AI’s impact on digital marketing is more pronounced than ever. One of the reasons for this can be that people are more receptive to advanced technology and are willing to give it a try.

But how can it help with personalization? Well, sophisticated AI algorithms can help businesses fine-tune their interactions with users.

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By analyzing vast datasets, AI differentiates between individual preferences, behaviors, and demographics. All these pointers allow you to deliver hyper-personalized content, product recommendations, and user experiences. Now, if you are wondering, is personalization even necessary? The answer is a big yes!

Around 91% of consumers say they are more likely to shop with brands that provide offers and recommendations that are relevant to them. So, to help you out, AI can assist with customized email campaigns to vibrant website content so you connect well with your consumers.

Additionally, AI is valuable across both the B2C and the B2B customer journey, elevating personalized interactions throughout every stage.

2. Optimized Advertising Strategies that Actually Work

In 2024, the integration of Artificial Intelligence can redefine your advertising strategies in digital marketing.

AI comes with analytical powers that can transform your advertising precision.

What does this do? Simple! It ensures that your message reaches the right audience at the right time.

After all, that’s the key to successful advertising campaigns- reaching the target audience at the perfect time!

So, how does it work?

Well, with the help of machine learning algorithms, you can decipher user behavior patterns, optimize ad targeting, and more.

End of the day, you can elevate ad efficiency with AI and add a personal touch to guarantee a better response.

3. Improved Content Creation that Aligns with the Brand

Content is no longer the king but the entire kingdom. This aspect is only going to grow in 2024. However, with AI, content creation can become easier as it injects efficiency and innovation.

AI-powered tools possess the necessary skills to curate relevant yet engaging content that can save you time and other resources. From automated copywriting to rewriting a piece of content, AI writers are well-versed in this creative process. There’s more. With the right AI tools, you can create content that resonates with your brand voice.

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For instance, having podcasts nowadays is a great way to establish a brand voice and convey your message. However, traditional podcasts usually take a lot of time to produce. But that’s no longer the case. Nowadays, you need to learn how to create a podcast with generative AI to be more productive.

So, as a digital marketer, you can now focus on strategy and ideation!

4. Implement of Change Your Strategies Successfully

Bored with the current strategy? It’s not working well for you? In need of a new plan of action? Well, AI has your back. By infusing sophisticated algorithms into your traditional workflows, you can make way for effective and beautiful strategies that help you reach your goals.

What AI does is that it enhances data analysis, offer you actionable insights, and encourages the right decision.

Amazing, isn’t it?

5. Elevates Bottom Line & ROI

Integrating AI into digital marketing offers a major advantage by significantly boosting the bottom line and overall return on investment for campaigns.


Through data-driven insights and predictive analytics, AI improves your marketing strategies. So, all the resources are allocated to the most impactful channels and campaigns.

The result? Heightened campaign effectiveness, increased conversion rates, and a positive impact on the organization’s financial outcomes. Wow! And, all it takes is the support of AI!

6. Help to Produce Creative Graphic Designs

The capacity to accelerate the design process is one of the most significant advantages of AI in design. AI-powered tools can create unique design concepts, layout possibilities, and color schemes rapidly, cutting project completion time in half.

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Let’s see one of the biggest markets that mostly use creative designs, the “Print On Demand market”. You agree with that, right?

The AI Print On Demand market is changing how marketers make and sell products. Creators and business owners may use AI to create custom merchandise and streamline their processes by leveraging cutting-edge technology.

AI is having a huge impact on the print-on-demand and general graphics designing industries, by changing how designs are made, mockups are generated, and so on.

7. Increase Operational Efficiency In Your Campaigns

The amalgamation of AI into operational processes means a surge in efficiency. Who wouldn’t want that?

AI takes away the burden from you, decreasing human-intensive work, and enabling a more agile and productive operational environment. It also leads to automation of data analysis, reporting, and other repetitive tasks.

Let’s say you want to build a landing page to market your product, and the main task in this process is copywriting, to lead visitors to take the next step, and build lead generation forms that collect your visitor’s contact information. There are some AI tools you can use to complete these tasks within a few minutes.

In fact, when you take a look at the overall operational benefits, it not only accelerates workflows but also reduces errors. So, in short, it enhances overall efficiency.

8. Voice Search Optimization

Search engine optimization is important. But what about voice search optimization? Today, more than 1 billion voice searches take place every month.

In 2024, voice search optimization is all set to become a major aspect of digital marketing as more users embrace voice-activated devices. With the growing popularity of virtual assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant, you must adapt their SEO strategies to cater to voice searches.

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When it comes to VSO, it becomes crucial to customize the content to match natural language queries. Here, the focus must be on conversational keywords to provide concise and informative answers. And AI can help you out.

5 Drawbacks of AI in Digital Marketing in 2024

Now that you know about the major benefits of AI in digital marketing, let’s unpack the drawbacks associated with it.

1. Privacy Concerns

With the growth of AI in digital marketing in 2024, one major drawback we must be aware of is privacy concerns. Let’s just say that the increasing reliance on AI for data analysis and personalization raises questions about the security of user information.

But wait. Before you get disheartened, it’s important to understand this. You can still use AI to gain insights into consumer behavior. However, it is crucial to strike a delicate balance between delivering personalized experiences and respecting user privacy.

All you need are proper data protection measures in place. Along with transparent data usage policies and compliance with the changing privacy regulations. If you can do this, you have nothing to worry about.

2. Becoming Overly Dependent on Automation

Heard of the saying anything of too much can be too bad? Well, this holds true in this scenario.

Chances are we may start to overly rely on AI in digital marketing, which can put you at risk of losing the human touch. And this is a major aspect of any marketing campaign.

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For instance, if you’re an email marketer, AI may help in the tracking of email marketing campaigns, generating subject lines, and personalizing email copies. But if you do your email marketing tasks fully automated, from designing templates to creating emails, that will negatively affect your business.

The question you must ask yourself is what makes you stand out. Because with excessive reliance on AI, your campaigns may result in generic, impersonal interactions, which can even alienate your customers. Definitely not good for your business!

Therefore, proper amalgamation of automated processes and human creativity is essential to maintain a personalized and emotionally resonant connection with the audience.

3. Implementation Costs and Skill Gaps

Implementing AI for digital marketing in 2024 may not be cost-effective for all. Now, you may be wondering, what about the free AI tools? Well, they cannot help you be innovative, can they? As they come with a set of limitations.

To stand out and integrate advanced AI technologies, the initial investment may be high. This can be a barrier for businesses, especially smaller enterprises.

While AI means automation, you still need experts to manage and optimize AI systems. Training existing staff or hiring qualified personnel becomes crucial. This can feel like a complex chore, and you can hire professionals who can get the job done without AI. It can be simpler in some cases.

4. Unintended Consequences of AI Decisions

Now, AI systems tend to make autonomous decisions (for instance, in digital signage). This is a risk because some decisions may be unexpected, and even lead to potentially negative outcomes.

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Remember, AI is not so cut and dry. Biases within algorithms, misinterpretation of data, or unforeseen interactions can occur, and this can lead to unintended consequences.

So, to avoid this, you must ensure vigilant monitoring, interpretability, and continual refinement of AI models. If this feels like too much work, AI may not be ideal for you.

5. Regulatory Compliance and Changing Laws

It’s crucial to ensure regulatory compliance with AI-driven digital marketing as new laws and policies keep cropping up. Remember, we have never had AI before. This innovation is a first and as it evolves, the rules and regulations also keep getting strict.

Therefore, adhering to stringent regulations is essential to building trust with consumers and avoiding any legal ramifications.

In 2024, you must steer through the complex data protection laws, such as the Digital Data Personal Protection Bill, to protect user information. This is just one example. So, you must stay on top of your game here and implement proactive measures for a secure and trustworthy digital environment for consumers.

Should Companies/Agencies Use AI in Their Marketing Process?

Now you must be wondering if you must embrace AI or discard it. Well, we think striking the right balance is the key. Over-reliance on AI can be dangerous because you tend to limit yourself and not gain the necessary skills.

That said, letting go of AI is not ideal. Companies and agencies should make use of AI in their marketing processes to gain a competitive edge and enhance efficiency.

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Remember, AI brings powerful tools such as machine learning algorithms, predictive analytics, natural language processing, and so much more. This enables you to dig deep and unpack vast amounts of data while deriving actionable insights. The bottom line is that when you understand customer behavior and preferences, AI can help customize marketing strategies to make way for personalized and targeted campaigns. This is crucial as it drives your desired results.

AI-driven automation can streamline and even optimize routine tasks like email marketing, social media management, and customer segmentation. All this allows marketing teams to focus on creative and strategic aspects. AI also helps with pricing, optimizing advertising spend, and improving ROI.

Even chatbots, powered by AI can be used to enhance customer engagement by providing instant responses and personalized interactions. After all, today, people want everything this very instant, and catering to this need can help you build a loyal consumer base.

The Final Word

These were the main pros and cons of AI in digital marketing in 2024. Remember, while AI can be a boon, it is important to keep that human touch and creativity alive. It is truly a wise move to embrace the power of AI. That said, We live in a competitive market. So, you must always strive to gain an edge and stand out. You must equip yourself with a nuanced approach while ensuring ethical practices. If you do all that is required, you are good to go!

The post AI in 2024: A Digital Marketer’s Guide to Benefits and Pitfalls appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

Revolutionizing Auto Retail: The Game-Changing Partnership Between Amazon and Hyundai Mon, 27 Nov 2023 20:47:34 +0000 Explore the future of auto retail as Amazon and Hyundai revolutionize the car-buying experience.

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In a groundbreaking alliance, Amazon and Hyundai have joined forces to reshape the automotive landscape, promising a revolutionary shift in how we buy, drive, and experience cars.

Imagine browsing for your dream car on Amazon, with the option to seamlessly purchase, pick up, or have it delivered—all within the familiar confines of the world’s largest online marketplace. Buckle up as we explore the potential impact of this monumental partnership and the transformation it heralds for the future of auto retail.

Driving Change Through Amazon’s Auto Revolution

Consider “Josh”, a tech-savvy professional with an affinity for efficiency. Faced with the tedious process of purchasing a new car, he stumbled upon Amazon’s automotive section. Intrigued by the prospect of a one-stop shopping experience, Josh decided to explore the Amazon-Hyundai collaboration.

The result?

A hassle-free online car purchase, personalized to his preferences, and delivered to his doorstep. Josh’s story is just a glimpse into the real-world impact of this game-changing partnership.

Bridging the Gap Between Convenience and Complexity

Traditional car buying is often marred by complexities, from navigating dealership lots to negotiating prices. The disconnect between the convenience consumers seek and the cumbersome process they endure has long been a pain point in the automotive industry. The need for a streamlined, customer-centric solution has never been more pressing.

Ecommerce Partnership Reshaping Auto Retail Dynamics

Enter Amazon and Hyundai’s new strategic partnership coming in 2024—an innovative solution poised to redefine the car-buying experience. The trio of key developments—Amazon becoming a virtual showroom, Hyundai embracing AWS for a digital makeover, and the integration of Alexa into next-gen vehicles—addresses the pain points with a holistic approach.

In 2024, auto dealers for the first time will be able to sell vehicles in Amazon’s U.S. store, and Hyundai will be the first brand available for customers to purchase.

Amazon and Hyundai launch a broad, strategic partnership—including vehicle sales on in 2024 – Amazon Staff

This collaboration promises not just a transaction but a transformation in the way customers interact with, purchase, and engage with their vehicles.

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Seamless Online Purchase:

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  • Opt for convenient pick-up or doorstep delivery.
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Hyundai’s Cloud-First Transformation:

  • Experience a data-driven organization powered by AWS.
  • Benefit from enhanced production optimization, cost reduction, and improved security.

Alexa Integration in Next-Gen Vehicles:

  • Enjoy a hands-free, voice-controlled experience in Hyundai vehicles.
  • Access music, podcasts, reminders, and smart home controls effortlessly.
  • Stay connected with up-to-date traffic and weather information.

Driving into the Future

The Amazon-Hyundai collaboration is not just a partnership; it’s a revolution in motion. As we witness the fusion of e-commerce giant Amazon with automotive prowess of Hyundai, the potential impact on customer behavior is staggering.

The age-old challenges of car buying are met with a forward-thinking, customer-centric solution, paving the way for a new era in auto retail. From the comfort of your home to the driver’s seat, this partnership is set to redefine every step of the journey, promising a future where buying a car is as easy as ordering a package online.

Embrace the change, and witness the evolution of auto retail unfold before your eyes.

The post Revolutionizing Auto Retail: The Game-Changing Partnership Between Amazon and Hyundai appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

The Future of Marketing: Harnessing AI with a Human Touch Mon, 18 Sep 2023 19:39:40 +0000 Explore the future of marketing by combining AI with a human touch. Learn how AI-generated content can be enhanced through human editing for improved quality and engagement.

The post The Future of Marketing: Harnessing AI with a Human Touch appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


You know that eerie moment when you’re halfway through an article or ad and you realize – “Hold on a second, a human didn’t write this. An AI did!”? We’ve all been there. It’s a bit like biting into a juicy apple, only to realize it’s made of plastic. 

Sure, we’ve got AI now – it’s pumping out content faster than a popcorn machine at a movie theater. But truth be told, a lot of AI content lacks the warmth, the humor, the “je ne sais quoi” that makes us human. That, my friends, is the puzzle we’re facing in today’s marketing world. 

But here’s the kicker: with just a bit of human editing and smart prompting, AI content can transform from simply good – to indistinguishable from top human writers. That’s the sweet spot we’re aiming for, and that’s exactly what we’re going to explore in this conversation.

Understanding the Limitations of AI-Generated Content

Before we delve into the nitty-gritty of why human editing is crucial, it’s essential to understand why AI can’t go at it alone. Let’s unpack the limitations of AI-generated content.

Overestimation of AI Capabilities in Content Generation

As AI’s popularity in content generation grows, there seems to be an overestimation of its capabilities. It’s easy to get drawn into the allure of automation, the promise of churning out article after article without so much as lifting a finger. However, AI is not some magical wizard that spews out flawless, engaging content at will.

AI writing tools are excellent at structuring information, spotting trends, and even using natural language processing (NLP) to mimic human-like text. But they lack the nuances, context understanding, and creativity inherent in human writers.

They can’t grasp emotions, humor, sarcasm, or cultural references the way we do (at least not yet), leading to content that, while technically correct, often feels flat and uninspiring.

The Risks of Factual Inaccuracies and Low-Quality Content

One of the most significant risks with AI-generated content is its potential for factual inaccuracies and low-quality output.

While AI tools can pull in data from numerous sources, they lack the human ability to discern between reliable and unreliable information. This can lead to content peppered with misleading or outright false information, damaging your brand’s credibility.

While these tools can spin sentences using complex language models, the final result often lacks the cohesion, logic, and flow that readers expect from high-quality content. This can lead to content that’s not only unengaging but also confusing for readers, impacting your brand’s image and authority.

While these inaccuracies might be minor nuisances in some fields, they can have devastating effects in others, particularly in “Your Money Your Life” (YMYL) niches. YMYL content refers to information that, if presented inaccurately, incorrectly, or deceptively, could directly impact a person’s health, happiness, safety, or financial stability. Think of content related to health advice, financial planning, or legal matters.

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For instance, let’s consider the healthcare industry. Imagine an AI tool writes a blog post on managing diabetes but misinterprets the data it was fed and suggests a dangerously high dosage of insulin. If a reader were to follow this advice, it could result in severe health complications or even death. This is an extreme example, but it underscores the potential risks of unverified AI-generated content.

Content Velocity Vs. Content Quality: Striking the Right Balance

In the world of digital marketing, there’s often a tug-of-war between content velocity and content quality. While it’s tempting to publish content at a high frequency to keep up with competitors and maintain online visibility, it’s a delicate balancing act that could backfire if not managed appropriately.

The Dangers of Prioritizing Content Velocity Over Quality

Imagine you’re a reader, faced with a stream of new articles every day from a particular brand. Initially, you’re impressed by their prolific output. But as you read through the pieces, you notice a recurring trend – the articles are filled with convoluted sentences, factual inaccuracies, and offer little to no value. Would you continue to trust this brand?

The point here is simple – prioritizing content velocity over quality can be a dangerous game.

While it might offer short-term gains in terms of visibility and perhaps even click-through rates, in the long run, it’s likely to harm your brand’s reputation and reader trust. It could also lead to lower engagement rates and increased bounce rates, as readers quickly exit your content if they find it low in quality or relevance.

The Continued Importance of Quality Content for Ranking and Authority

In contrast, high-quality content continues to be a pillar of digital marketing strategy, and for a good reason. Well-researched, accurate, and engaging content appeals to both your target audience and search engines. Google’s ranking algorithm, sophisticated as it is, rewards quality content that provides value to readers.

Beyond SEO, quality content builds authority. It positions your brand as a trusted expert in your field, a source of reliable information and insights. This can lead to higher engagement, increased conversions, and brand loyalty.

The Role of Human Editing in Enhancing AI-Generated Content

Integrating AI into your content creation process doesn’t mean human involvement becomes obsolete. Quite the opposite. It’s in the merger of AI capabilities with human skill that the magic happens.

My Experience with AI and Human Editing

As a seasoned digital marketer, my journey with AI has been enlightening, to say the least. I’ve seen firsthand how AI can simplify the content creation process, taking care of the heavy lifting by producing multiple drafts in a fraction of the time it would take a human.

Yet, there is something innately human about the act of writing, a subtlety and nuance that AI, for all its capabilities, can’t quite replicate. So, I’ve learned to work alongside AI, using it as a tool to augment and speed up my content creation, not completely replace it.

Every AI-generated piece I work on goes through a thorough human editing process. I infuse the AI output with a human touch, refining the language, ensuring factual accuracy, and most importantly, crafting a narrative that resonates with readers on a deeper level.

Estimation of Editing Required in AI-Generated Content

Now, you might wonder – “Isn’t that too much work? How much editing does AI-generated content need, anyway?” The answer is – it depends. Some pieces come out surprisingly well-formed, requiring only minor tweaks and polish. Others might need a more substantial overhaul to ensure they meet the desired quality and resonate with the target audience.

My rule of thumb? Consider spending around 40-60% of the total content creation time on editing and refining AI-generated output.

This isn’t a rigid number but more of a guideline. It emphasizes the need to dedicate significant time to the human element, ensuring that every piece of content you put out aligns with your brand’s voice, meets quality standards, and provides genuine value to your readers.

Google’s Perspective on Quality Content

Google’s mission is to “organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.” This mission directly impacts how they evaluate and rank content. So, what does Google consider “quality content”?

Effective Communication with Target Audience

One of Google’s core principles in evaluating content quality is how effectively it communicates with the target audience. Simply put, your content needs to resonate with the people for whom it’s intended.

While SEO techniques, like optimizing your content with Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) keywords and links, play a crucial role in enhancing visibility, they’re not the be-all and end-all. In fact, an overemphasis on keyword density at the expense of readability and relevance can backfire. Google’s algorithms have grown incredibly sophisticated and can penalize ‘keyword-stuffed’ content that doesn’t offer genuine value to the reader.

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So, how should you approach this? First, strive to thoroughly understand your audience’s needs, interests, and pain points. Then, craft content that addresses these aspects in a meaningful, engaging, and accessible way.

This effective communication gives your readers the sense that you are an authority on the subject, which can enhance your website’s trustworthiness and authority.

Engaging content can increase the average session duration, a significant ranking signal for Google. In other words, the more valuable your content is, the longer users will stay on your page, which in turn signals to Google that your content is useful, pushing it higher in the search results.

Providing Value and Establishing Authority

Another critical aspect in Google’s quality content equation is the value your content provides. Are you offering new insights, or are you simply rehashing what’s already been said a thousand times? High-value content tends to be original, in-depth, and relevant, directly contributing to a positive user experience.

Lastly, Google pays attention to authority. It trusts content from sources that consistently provide accurate, trustworthy, and valuable content. Earning this authority isn’t about being the loudest or publishing the most content. It’s about demonstrating your expertise and reliability over time.

Let’s look at it this way – If your content was a person, Google would want it to be a knowledgeable friend who speaks clearly, offers genuinely helpful advice, and is trusted by others.

Achieving this in an AI-dominated content landscape requires the human touch – an understanding of the audience’s needs, the creativity to offer unique insights, and the ability to build genuine connections. Taking the time to go the extra mile will make your content stand out in an ocean of AI content.

Finding the Right Editor for AI-Generated Content

Just as every artist needs a discerning critic, every AI-driven content strategy needs a sharp, skilled human editor. But what does it take to edit AI-generated content? And where can you find such talent?

Key Skills Required in an AI Content Editor

When it comes to editing AI-generated content, traditional editing skills are just the start. Of course, a solid grasp of grammar, style, and punctuation is necessary. However, AI content editing demands more.

One key requirement is a knack for spotting and fixing AI-specific errors. Sometimes, AI content can be a little ‘off’ – oddly structured sentences, incorrect facts, or phrases that just don’t quite make sense. A good AI editor needs the sharpness to catch these issues and the skill to fix them while maintaining the overall flow of the piece.

Equally important is the ability to infuse a human touch. A skilled AI content editor can take an AI-generated piece and give it life, weaving in a compelling narrative, adding emotion, and tailoring it to the target audience.

Finally, the right editor is adaptable, able to work with various AI tools and tweak their editing approach based on the specific outputs of different AI models.

Platforms to Source Content Writers and Editors

So where can you find these AI-savvy human editors? There are several online platforms to tap into:

  • Freelance platforms: Websites like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr are teeming with freelance writers and editors. You can post your requirements and invite freelancers to apply, or you can directly approach freelancers whose profiles match your needs.
  • Content creation agencies: These are companies that specialize in producing and editing content. While they can be pricier than individual freelancers, they often provide a more comprehensive service, which can include content strategy, SEO optimization, and more.
  • Online networks: Websites like LinkedIn and Facebook can be a good source of professional writers and editors. Look for individuals with a proven track record in content creation and editing, and preferably, experience with AI-generated content.

The Process of Humanizing AI-Generated Content

Leveraging AI for content creation presents a unique blend of challenges and opportunities. As we’ve established, a key part of this is infusing the ‘human touch’ to ensure the output doesn’t read like it was churned out by a machine. So how does this process work?

Starting Point: Generating AI Content Outline

The journey of humanizing AI-generated content begins with feeding the AI the necessary information it needs to know. Contrary to common misconceptions, AI is not an all-knowing entity. The quality of the content it creates is directly tied to the quality and depth of the information it’s given.

The human editor plays a crucial role here. They ensure that the AI is primed with a thorough briefing and all the necessary context about the topic at hand. From the intended audience to the key points to cover, the AI is equipped with all the requisite details.

Following this, the AI takes the baton and creates the initial content outline. This AI-produced blueprint forms the basis of the content piece, setting its direction and flow.

However, the editor’s job isn’t done yet. They need to review the AI-generated outline carefully, ensuring it is comprehensive, logical, and aligned with the content’s goals.

Only after this careful examination and potential refinement does the AI proceed to flesh out the content. This process ensures the AI-generated content starts on the right footing and stays on track as it evolves.

Section-by-Section Review and Reprompting

Once the initial AI-generated content is ready, the human editor steps in for the next phase – a detailed, section-by-section review. Here, the editor critically reads through each part, reprompting the AI tool wherever necessary.

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Is the AI providing a relevant response? Is it capturing the nuances of the topic? Is it staying within the desired tone and style? If the answer is no, the editor reprompts the AI, tweaking the instructions to guide the AI towards a more desirable output.

Fact-Checking and Surgical Editing for Final Refinement

The final stage of the humanizing process is fact-checking and surgical editing. Here, the editor verifies the AI’s data and cross-references it with reliable sources to ensure the content is accurate.

Any factual inaccuracies are corrected, and the content is fine-tuned. Grammatical errors are rectified, awkward phrases are reworked, and an overall polish is given to the content, enhancing its readability and engagement factor.

Through these steps, the AI-generated content is transformed. It becomes not just technically correct and informative, but engaging, valuable, and ‘human.’

The Benefits of Combining AI and Human Editing

In the world of content creation, combining AI and human editing is a match made in heaven. But what specific benefits does this union bring? Let’s dig in.

Saving Time and Improving Efficiency

The first major benefit is a significant boost in time efficiency. AI is lightning fast. It can generate a draft in the time it takes a human writer to finish their morning coffee. This speed frees up a huge chunk of time that would otherwise be spent on writing, allowing editors and content teams to focus more on strategic tasks.

AI doesn’t suffer from writer’s block or fatigue. It can churn out content consistently, helping maintain a steady content output.

That’s not all. Editing AI-generated content is often faster than editing human-written content. Why? AI tends to make predictable, patterned mistakes. Once editors get the hang of them, correcting these errors becomes quicker and easier.

Achieving Complete Topical Coverage

Expanding the depth and breadth of your content to cover a topic comprehensively is a proven strategy for establishing authority and improving your search engine rankings. Here, AI and human editing work together like a well-oiled machine.

AI, with its ability to generate content swiftly and at scale, can help you achieve broad topical coverage faster. It can produce multiple pieces around a core topic, covering various subtopics, and creating a web of interconnected content. This, in turn, positions your website as a comprehensive source of information on a specific subject.

However, the speed and scale of AI-generated content could potentially lead to compromised quality standards if not properly managed. This is where human editing steps in. Editors ensure that each AI-generated piece of content is accurate, engaging, and offers real value to the reader, aligning with Google’s perspective on quality content.

Ensuring High-Quality, Humanized Content

The AI-human combination isn’t just about speed and efficiency. It’s also about quality. While AI is great at producing quick drafts and covering topics extensively, it often lacks the human touch that makes content relatable and engaging.

That’s where human editors step in. They transform AI’s technically correct but often sterile output into something rich and engaging. They add warmth, emotion, and narrative flow, turning a plain piece into a compelling read.

Human editors ensure factual accuracy, maintain the brand’s voice, and optimize the content for SEO. All these are areas where AI still has room for improvement.

How to Implement These Tips

Now that we’ve discussed the ‘why’ and ‘what’ of humanizing AI-generated content, let’s dive into the ‘how.’ How can you put these insights into practice?

Identifying Suitable AI Content Generation Tools

The first step is choosing the right AI content generation tool. There’s a myriad of options available, each with their strengths and weaknesses.

Your selection should depend on your specific needs. What type of content do you produce most often? What’s your budget? How much content do you need to produce?

Some tools are excellent at generating short-form content like social media posts, while others excel at long-form content. Some are geared towards creative writing, others towards SEO or technical writing. Research different options, use free trials, and find the one that fits your needs the best. 

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Plain ol’ ChatGPT is a great place to begin if you would rather not pay to use a third party software.

Finding and Collaborating with Skilled Content Editors

You need skilled content editors who can humanize AI-generated content. Look for editors with a knack for storytelling, an eye for detail, and a deep understanding of your brand and audience. They should also be comfortable with AI tools and eager to learn and adapt.

But finding good editors is just part of the equation. You also need to foster a strong collaboration between your AI tool and your editors. Set clear expectations, establish communication channels, and encourage feedback and learning from both sides.

Consistently Reviewing and Improving the Editing Process

Don’t set it and forget it. Regularly review and tweak your editing process. Solicit feedback from your editors, watch for patterns in the AI’s errors, and continuously improve your briefings and editing guidelines.

The more your editors work with it and correct it, the better your editing processes will become.

With these steps, you’re all set to leverage AI for content creation while ensuring top-notch quality. But remember, the world of AI is fast-evolving. Stay curious, stay flexible, and continue to learn and adapt.

The post The Future of Marketing: Harnessing AI with a Human Touch appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

How Marketing Science Yields Success for Agencies Mon, 11 Sep 2023 22:23:07 +0000 These days, digital marketing expertise isn’t enough. Discover why you need to embrace marketing science and how it can increase your agency’s success.

The post How Marketing Science Yields Success for Agencies appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


As a marketing pro, you know how tough it can be to capture the attention of potential clients and keep them. There are more than 10,700 digital advertising agencies in the U.S., giving business owners a lot of options. So, if you want to stand out, you need to be more than an expert in digital marketing. You need to be an expert in marketing science.

If you’ve spent years promoting your agency as the go-to for all things digital marketing, this can be a hard pill to swallow. But the fact is the landscape has changed. To be successful, you have to position yourself as a true marketer—who happens to love digital marketing. 

Why Digital Marketing Expertise Isn’t Enough

No marketer wants to hear that their digital marketing expertise isn’t enough. I get it. You’ve likely put a lot of effort into studying proven frameworks, staying on top of trends, and even recruiting top talent for your agency. And chances are, that effort has paid off. However, having an agency adept at digital marketing won’t bring you to the pinnacle of success—not without marketing science savvy.

Here’s why…

  • Digital marketing has been around for a long time. 

Although digital marketing has evolved, it’s not a new concept. The history of digital marketing spans more than 30 years. In fact, the term was introduced back in 1990, around the time the first search engine (Archie) was launched. 

In short, everyone knows about it by now. And many agencies are doing it. Unfortunately, that means your digital marketing know-how isn’t anything novel or unique. 

  • Business owners get digital marketing (for the most part). 

Today’s business owners are more knowledgeable about digital marketing. Of course, they don’t necessarily have a clear grasp of it. And there are still plenty of marketing misconceptions out there. But research shows that 47% of small business owners handle their marketing efforts themselves. So, it’s fair to say they get it—more or less. 

In most cases, potential clients aren’t impressed by an agency’s ability to handle social media, implement SEO tactics, manage paid advertising, etc. They’ve heard it all before. Even if you can do it better, that may not be reason enough to outsource to your agency. 

  • Marketers have to work extra hard to earn respect.

DigitalMarketer’s own Mark de Grasse has talked about how marketers don’t get the respect they deserve, and it’s true. As marketers, we have to work harder than other professionals to demonstrate our worth and prove we know what we’re doing. Claiming digital marketing expertise—even if you do have it—just won’t cut it. You need to have broad marketing knowledge and use marketing science to back up your recommendations. 

  • Tools and tactics change, but the principles of good marketing don’t.

As touched on previously, digital marketing is constantly evolving. New tools and channels are constantly being introduced, resulting in new tactics to adopt. But if you focus too much on what’s changing, you lose sight of what doesn’t. Being on top of every new “shiny object” doesn’t matter much if you can’t follow the principles of good marketing. And that only comes with an understanding of marketing science. 

What Do We Mean by Marketing Science?

Many believe that marketing is both an art and a science. And they’re right. But for now, we’re focusing on the latter. After all, it’s the piece of the puzzle your digital marketing agency is likely missing. 

There are several different takes on marketing science out there. But when we talk about it, this is what we mean…

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Making Decisions Based on Data—Not Guesswork

Those who embrace marketing science know that data is key. That doesn’t mean a marketer’s knowledge and experience should be tossed aside. However, data should play a critical role in decision-making.

Leveraging data just makes sense. 

  • It allows us to see what’s working and what’s not. 
  • It provides valuable insights that help us answer tough questions.
  • It ensures we’re making the right decisions for each client.

Science-driven marketers are skilled at compiling, analyzing, and interpreting data from various sources. They apply their findings accordingly, using facts and figures to support their choices. As a result, they can serve their clients better—and with more confidence. 

Applying Techniques from Other Disciplines

Digital marketing can be bolstered by other practices. Science-driven marketers know that. They see the value in disciplines like psychology, sociology, economics, and neuroscience (the last of which is combined with marketing to create neuromarketing). That’s why they look at research from those disciplines to see what they can leverage. Then, they apply techniques to make their marketing efforts even stronger. 

Conducting Well-Designed Experiments

Experts in marketing science realize that experimentation is essential to improvement. After all, you can’t ensure the best result if you don’t do some testing first. So, they conduct experiments using the scientific method to determine if their initial choice (or hypothesis) is correct. 

The most successful marketers tend to be those who are constantly testing. On a granular level, they create different variations of assets, analyze the data, and make improvements as needed. They view every test as a source of valuable information and use it to their clients’ advantage. 

Using Technology Wisely

True marketers who understand the science side use technology to their advantage. They don’t get hung up on every new tool that arrives on the scene. Instead, they conduct in-depth research to create a marketing technology stack that benefits them and their clients. 

At the most basic level, they find technology to assist with the following:

  • Data tracking
  • Automation
  • Keyword research
  • Model building
  • Wireframing

Although most marketers understand the importance of marketing technology in serving their clients, scientific ones don’t suffer waste. They only invest in tools that will enhance their efforts. And they strive to get the most out of each one they use. 

Taking a Holistic Approach to Marketing

There are many different facets of marketing—social media, paid advertising, SEO, email, copywriting, web design, etc. But science-savvy marketers don’t see them as individual pieces. Instead, they view them as parts of a much larger whole. They know that each one contributes to a business’s online presence. 

That’s why they take a holistic approach. 

They ensure consistency in all assets across all channels, connecting them for maximum impact. Every part is working together to promote the client’s business. More than that, every team member is doing the same. 

How Marketing Science Yields Success for Agencies

When you’re an expert not only in digital marketing but also in marketing science, you position your agency for success. It helps set the stage for being known as unique and smart.

Here’s how…

  • You can frame your agency as an authority in the space.
  • You can demonstrate your understanding of marketing as a whole. 
  • You can encourage your team to start thinking about the big picture. 
  • You become more strategic in marketing for each individual client.
  • You can provide proof that your efforts are yielding results. 
  • You can gain a competitive advantage over tactical marketers.

Ultimately, it doesn’t just make your agency better. It makes your agency appear better to current and potential clients. 


These days, digital marketing expertise isn’t enough to stand out from the crowd. If you really want to take your agency to the next level, you need to embrace marketing science. You need to show you have what it takes to build a business, develop a brand, and achieve long-term results. By convincing clients you’re a true marketer who offers digital marketing services, you’ll have an easier time acquiring and retaining them.

The post How Marketing Science Yields Success for Agencies appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

Barbie Movie Boosts: How the Barbie Movie Redefined Brand Marketing Mon, 24 Jul 2023 20:47:15 +0000 Graphs can help to visualize complex data sets and identify patterns that may not be immediately apparent when looking at raw data.

The post Barbie Movie Boosts: How the Barbie Movie Redefined Brand Marketing appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


In 2023, the renowned toy company Mattel, famous for creating the iconic Barbie doll, faced challenging times amidst a competitive market. However, a recent development has the potential to reshape the company’s trajectory and revitalize its brand presence: the release of the much-anticipated Barbie movie. This article explores how this cinematic venture has impacted Mattel’s stock performance and discusses the potential implications it may have for the company’s survival.

Overview of Mattel & the Barbie Brand 

Mattel is a globally recognized toy company that has been a pioneer in the industry for decades. Established in 1945, the company quickly rose to prominence with its innovative and beloved toys. However, its most iconic creation, the Barbie doll, was introduced in 1959.

Barbie became an instant cultural phenomenon, capturing the imagination of millions of children worldwide and setting a standard for fashion dolls. Over the years, Barbie has undergone various transformations, adapting to changing times and promoting diversity and inclusivity

Despite these efforts, Mattel faced challenges in recent years, struggling to keep up with digital entertainment and other competitors.

Mattel’s Struggles & Stock Performance

In the early 2020s, Mattel experienced various setbacks that impacted its financial performance and stock value. 

With the rise of digital toys and entertainment options, traditional toy manufacturers faced stiff competition. Mattel’s revenues were affected as children’s play patterns shifted toward online gaming and virtual experiences. 

The company also faced difficulties with supply chain disruptions and rising production costs. These challenges culminated in a decline in Mattel’s stock performance, raising concerns about the company’s ability to stay relevant in an evolving market.

Mattel Reports First Quarter 2023 Financial Results

Mattel’s Second Quarter 2023 financial results will publish on Wednesday, July 26, 2023.

The Barbie Movie: A Cinematic Triumph 

To rejuvenate the Barbie brand, Mattel embarked on an ambitious cinematic venture – the release of a Barbie movie on July 21, 2023. The movie promised a fresh take on the iconic doll, featuring a compelling storyline and modern themes to resonate with today’s audiences.

Leading up to the premiere, even Google got all dolled up for this star studded movie of the summer, turning shades of pink for the brand’s famous color scheme. As the film hit theaters, it garnered widespread praise from both critics and viewers alike. 

The film exceeded all projections, grossing an impressive $155 million during its opening weekend in domestic markets and an additional $182 million internationally. The movie’s tremendous start was fueled by $22.3 million in previews on Thursday, making it one of the top 25 all-time preview performances and securing the highest opening of the year.

Comparing Barbie’s performance to other recent releases, it outshined the Super Mario Bros. Movie, which had a $146.3 million weekend but also benefited from a $58.2 million gross on Wednesday and Thursday, resulting in a $204.6 million five-day start.

Barbie’s remarkable Friday, combined with Wednesday and Thursday figures, totaled $70.5 million, setting a new record for the highest Friday (including previews) opening of the year.

What makes Barbie’s triumph even more noteworthy is that it boasts the best opening ever for a film co-directed or directed solely by a woman. Notably, both Captain Marvel ($153.4 million) and Frozen II ($130.2 million) had male co-directors, whereas Barbie stands as a pioneering example with a female solo or co-director.

This marks only the second time in cinematic history that a solo female director has achieved an opening weekend gross of over $100 million, with the other instance being Patty Jenkins’ Wonder Woman ($103.2 million).

The Barbie movie’s success was attributed to its captivating storytelling, stunning visuals, relevant play on nostalgia and positive messages promoting empowerment and self-expression. Not to mention all the city wide press this movie has created. 

Market Reaction and Stock Surge

Following the movie’s release, Mattel experienced a significant surge in its stock value. Investors responded positively to the success of the Barbie movie, recognizing it as a game-changer for the company’s prospects. The rise in stock value was not only indicative of renewed investor confidence but also a testament to the movie’s ability to revive the brand’s allure and profitability.

Barbie’s Appeal to Adult Audiences

The Barbie movie unexpectedly found a substantial audience among adults. Beyond its traditional target demographic of children, the film resonated with older viewers, including nostalgic adults who grew up with Barbie.

The movie’s ability to evoke a sense of nostalgia and connect with adult audiences created an unexpected marketing advantage for Mattel. This newfound appeal among adults potentially translated into increased interest in Barbie-related products and memorabilia.

Expanding Merchandising Opportunities

The success of the Barbie movie opened up new avenues for Mattel to capitalize on merchandising and licensing opportunities. With the movie’s characters and storyline capturing the hearts of audiences, Mattel had an opportunity to introduce a wide range of spin-off products and tie-ins. 

Collaborations with other companies for limited-edition Barbie merchandise, such as clothing, accessories, and collectibles, provided an additional revenue stream and reinforced the Barbie brand’s relevance.

Impact on Mattel’s Future Strategy

The triumph of the Barbie movie significantly influenced Mattel’s future strategic decisions. The success of the entertainment-driven approach demonstrated that storytelling and engaging narratives were vital components for the company’s product development. Consequently, Mattel might prioritize partnerships with filmmakers, screenwriters, and animators to create compelling content that goes beyond just physical toys.

Marketing Lessons from Mattel’s Barbie Movie Campaign

The release of the Barbie movie in 2023 marked a turning point for Mattel, reviving the company’s brand image and stock performance. The success of the film not only brought renewed interest from children but also unexpectedly resonated with adult audiences, further bolstering the Barbie brand’s status. 

With this newfound momentum, Mattel now has a unique opportunity to leverage the success of the Barbie movie to explore new horizons and ensure its survival and success in the ever-evolving toy industry.

Take Action

  • Understanding the Power of Brand Nostalgia: Mattel tapped into the nostalgia associated with the iconic Barbie brand, resonating not only with children but also with adults who grew up with the doll. Marketers can leverage nostalgia by revisiting and reimagining their brand’s heritage to evoke emotional connections with their target audience.
  • Effective Audience Segmentation: The marketing campaign demonstrated a deep understanding of its target audience, recognizing both children and adults as potential consumers. Businesses should segment their target audience effectively to craft tailored messages that address specific needs and preferences.
  • Leveraging Cross-Platform Promotion: Mattel maximized the impact of its marketing efforts by employing cross-platform promotion. Businesses can learn to integrate their campaigns across various channels, such as social media, television, print, and online advertising, to reach a wider audience and reinforce their brand message.
  • Inclusivity and Diversity in Storytelling: The Barbie movie emphasized themes of empowerment and inclusivity, promoting diverse representations of characters. Marketers can learn from this approach and incorporate diverse and authentic storytelling that reflects the varied experiences and backgrounds of their audience.
  • Building Anticipation with Previews: The use of previews to create buzz around the Barbie movie generated excitement and anticipation. Marketers can apply this tactic by offering sneak peeks, teasers, or exclusive content to build anticipation for their product launches or events.
  • Collaborating with Influencers and Partners: Mattel collaborated with influencers, celebrities, and other partners to amplify the movie’s reach and create additional hype. Businesses can explore partnerships with influencers and other brands to extend their brand visibility and tap into new audiences.
  • Emphasizing Female Leadership: The success of Barbie, directed by Greta Gerwig, highlighted the impact of female-led projects. Businesses can embrace gender diversity and empower female leaders within their organizations, signaling their commitment to inclusivity and equality.
  • Storytelling as a Central Element: The Barbie movie’s success was driven by compelling storytelling that resonated with the audience. Marketers can prioritize storytelling in their campaigns, creating narratives that connect emotionally with consumers and elevate their brand message.
  • Measuring and Analyzing Results: Mattel’s campaign likely involved thorough monitoring and analysis of marketing efforts, allowing them to optimize their strategies. Marketers should invest in data analysis and performance tracking to measure the success of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions.
  • Building a Comprehensive Merchandising Strategy: The success of the Barbie movie extended beyond the film itself, with a robust merchandising strategy. Businesses can learn to capitalize on their campaigns by offering related products and tie-ins to enhance brand exposure and generate additional revenue streams.

By drawing inspiration from Mattel’s successful marketing campaign for the Barbie movie, businesses can apply these valuable lessons to enhance their own marketing strategies and ultimately achieve greater brand impact and success.

The post Barbie Movie Boosts: How the Barbie Movie Redefined Brand Marketing appeared first on DigitalMarketer.
